Clause 5



Companies must maintain high standards at all times.


All company personnel must maintain a high standard of ethical conduct in the discharge of their duties and comply with all relevant requirements of the Code.


All material and activities must recognise the special nature of medicines and respect the professional standing or otherwise of the audience to which they are directed and must not be likely to cause offence.


The name or photograph of a member of a health profession must not be used in any way that is contrary to the conventions of that profession.


Extremes of format, size or cost of material must be avoided. Informational or educational materials must be inexpensive, directly relevant to the practice of medicine or pharmacy and directly beneficial to the care of patients.


Material relating to medicines and their uses, whether promotional or not, and information relating to human health or diseases which is sponsored by a pharmaceutical company or in which a pharmaceutical company has any other involvement, must clearly indicate the role of that pharmaceutical company.

The only exception to this is market research material if it is such that the name of the company involved is not required to be stated; then the material must state that it is commissioned by a pharmaceutical company.

most recent cases See all Applicable Code year
Applicable Code year

Please check the date of the Code that applies to the Case that you are looking at. The date of the complaint may vary from the activity/material alleged to have been in breach.


Material should only be provided or made available to those groups of people whose need for or interest in it can reasonably be assumed. Material should be tailored to the audience to whom it is directed.


It should be made clear when a user is leaving any of the company’s websites or websites sponsored by the company or is being directed to a website which is not that of the company.