The Complaints Procedure
The ABPI Code sets out detailed provisions to ensure pharmaceutical companies operate in a responsible, ethical and professional manner.
The Complaints Procedure
If you have concerns about the behaviour or activities of a pharmaceutical company, a complaint can be made using our online complaints form.
The complaint will be processed and the pharmaceutical company concerned will be asked to respond to the complaint if the matter is within the scope of the ABPI Code.
The case may then be considered by the Code of Practice Panel.
When the Panel makes a ruling, the parties are advised and brief details are published on the ongoing cases section of the website.
The complainant or the respondent company may appeal against a ruling of the Panel to the Code of Practice Appeal Board. The Appeal Board comprises an independent, legally qualified Chair, eight independent members and eight industry members. The Appeal Board always sits with an independent majority and at least seven members and the Chair.
Companies found in breach of the Code are required to pay administrative charges, provide a written undertaking, and may be subject to additional sanctions.
Once the case is complete, a case report is published on the website.
Some complaints may be processed more quickly, through an abridged complaints procedure.
The PMCPA’s Constitution and Procedure provides full details of the complaints procedure.