Contact us
You can contact the PMCPA for information or for informal guidance, use the form provided, write to us at the address below or call 0207 747 8880 to leave a voice message for a member of the team to call you back.
We will respond to requests for informal guidance about the Code from members of the public, health professionals, patient organisations and pharmaceutical companies within 15 working days. This timeline cannot be expediated. It is important that enquires from Pharmaceutical companies have exhausted all internal resource before they submit their enquiry. Questions on the Code from third parties and agencies working on behalf of pharmaceutical companies should come from the pharmaceutical company itself after appropriate internal discussion.
Specific information about making a complaint.

If you have a question about the work of the PMCPA, the Code or another matter please provide as much information as possible on the form below. Please note that this form is not to be used to make a complaint. Your contact details will be treated according to our Privacy Policy.
* denotes mandatory field
Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority
2nd Floor Goldings House Hay’s Galleria
2 Hay’s Lane
The PMCPA is based in central London. Our offices are located within the same building as the ABPI. The nearest mainline and underground station is London Bridge.
Locating Goldings House.
We are within a pedestrian zone and so we have provided a number of methods of locating us:
Our what3words
A visual guide to getting to Goldings House.
Travelling to PMCPA Goldings House from London Bridge Station
Disabled visitors arriving by car for PMCPA Goldings House from Battle Bridge Lane