Clause 25 Relationships with Health Professionals, Other Relevant Decision Makers, Healthcare Organisations and Patient Organisations

Clause 25


No company may require that it be the sole funder or sponsor of a healthcare organisation or patient organisation or any of its programmes.


A company must not make public use of a healthcare organisation or patient organisation’s logo and/or proprietary material without the organisation’s written agreement. In seeking such permission, the specific purpose and the way in which the logo and/or proprietary material will be used must be clearly stated.


Companies must ensure that all sponsorship is clearly acknowledged from the outset. The wording of the declaration of sponsorship must be unambiguous and accurately reflect the extent of the company’s involvement and influence over the material.


Market research activities, clinical assessments, post-marketing surveillance and experience programmes, post-authorisation studies (including those that are retrospective in nature), and the like must not be disguised promotion. They must be conducted with a primarily scientific or educational purpose.