Clause 16


(28.1) Promotional material about prescription only medicines directed to a UK audience which is provided on the internet must comply with all relevant requirements of the Code.

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Please check the date of the Code that applies to the Case that you are looking at. The date of the complaint may vary from the activity/material alleged to have been in breach.


(28.4) A medicine covered by Clause 16.1 may be advertised in a relevant, independently produced electronic journal intended for health professionals or other relevant decision makers which can be accessed by members of the public.


(11.2) Restraint must be exercised on the frequency of distribution and on the volume of promotional material distributed.


(11.3) Mailing lists must be kept up-to-date. Requests to be removed from promotional mailing lists must be complied with promptly and no name may be restored except at the addressee’s request or with their permission.


(10.1) Reprints of articles in journals must not be provided proactively unless the articles have been peer reviewed.