Constitution and Procedure - Can the Panel's ruling be changed?

​​​It is sometimes the case that, having been informed of the Code of Practice Panel’s ruling in a case, one or other of the parties will request further information from the Panel as to the reasoning behind its ruling. Occasionally amendments to the Panel ruling might be suggested.

Once the Panel has completed its consideration of a case and informed the parties of the outcome, it has no further role to play in that case. The Panel ruling provides a complete account of the factors in the case that the Panel considered were important in making its ruling. There is no provision in the Constitution and Procedure for the Panel to comment on the reasoning set out in its ruling. Similarly there is no way for the Panel ruling to be changed.

If either party considers that the Panel has made the wrong ruling for whatever reason then their only recourse is to appeal.

However, if either party considers the Panel has made a procedural error in applying the Constitution and Procedure, it should submit written reasons to the Chief Executive (see Paragraph 1.12).

See the Constitution and Procedure in the Code of Practice