Case Summary
Allegation about the promotion of a prescription only medicine to the public on LinkedIn
This case was in relation to the alleged promotion to the public of the Flucelvax Influenza vaccine (prescription only medicine) by a UK employee of CSL Seqirus who reposted a LinkedIn post from a non-CSL Seqirus individual based outside the UK. The original post referred to the medicine’s brand name and its indication and included a pack shot as well as commentary around the manufacturing process.
The complainant was non-contactable and described themselves as a member of the public.
The case preparation manager considered that the complaint met the criteria for the abridged complaints procedure as it was likely, in their view, that there had been a breach of the Code, it appeared that the central facts would not be disputed and the allegation fell within the PMCPA’s approved list for use of the abridged procedure. By reposting the LinkedIn post at issue, it appeared the UK employee had proactively disseminated the material to their LinkedIn connections in the UK, which likely included members of the public.
CSL Seqirus accepted a breach of Clause 26.1 of the Code and provided the required undertaking and assurances.
The outcome under the 2024 Code of Practice was:
Breach of Clause 26.1 |
Promoting a prescription only medicine to the public |
Complaint received 4 October 2024
Case completed 25 October 2024