AUTH/3847/11/23 - Voluntary admission by Novo Nordisk

Undisclosed transfers of value

Case Summary

This case was a voluntary admission by Novo Nordisk concerning undisclosed transfers
of value of approximately £7.8 million over a three-year period selected by Novo Nordisk
as part of its internal investigation (2020-2022). The failures to disclose related to
approximately 500 transfers of value to over 150 different vendors and represented
between 10-14% of each year’s total transfers of value.

The outcome under the 2019 Code was:

Breach of Clause 2

Bringing discredit upon, and reducing confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry

Breach of Clause 9.1

Failing to maintain high standards

Breach of Clause 23.2

Failing to publicly disclose details of the fees paid to consultants in the UK for certain services rendered by them

Breach of Clause 24.1

Failing to document and publicly disclose annually certain transfers of value made directly or indirectly to health professionals, other relevant decision makers and healthcare organisations

Breach of Clause 24.4

Failing to make disclosures annually in respect of each calendar year in the first six months after the end of the calendar year in which the transfers of value were made

Breach of Clause 27.7

Failing to make publicly available a list of patient organisations which it supports

Breach of Clause 27.8

Failing to meet the disclosure requirements when engaging patient organisations

No Breach of Clause 23.4

Requirement that fees, expenses and the like due to consultants must be disclosed.

The outcome under the 2021 Code:

Breach of Clause 2

Bringing discredit upon, and reducing confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry

Breach of Clause 5.1

Failing to maintain high standards

Breach of Clause 24.4 (x2)

Failing to disclose annually details of the fees and expenses paid to UK individuals, organisations etc for contracted services

Breach of Clause 24.6 (x2)

Failing to meet the disclosure requirements for fees and expenses for contracted services

Breach of Clause 28.1

Failing to document and publicly disclose annually certain transfers of value made directly or indirectly to health professionals, other relevant decision makers and healthcare organisations

Breach of Clause 29.1

Failing to make publicly available annually, a list of patient organisations to which it provides donations, grants or sponsorship or with whom it has engaged to provide contracted services over the reporting period

Breach of Clause 29.2

Failing to meet the disclosure requirements for the provision of donations, grants or sponsorship to a patient organisation

Breach of Clause 30.1

Failing to make publicly available annually details of the fees for certain contracted services paid to members of the UK public, including patients and journalists

Breach of Clause 31.1

Failing to make disclosures annually in respect of each calendar year in the first six months after the end of the calendar year in which the transfers of value were made

The outcome under the 2021 Code, in relation to associated expenses for contracted
services in 2022, was:

No Breach of Clause 24.4

Requirement to disclose annually details of the fees and expenses paid to UK individuals, organisations etc for contracted services

No Breach of Clause 24.6

Requirement to meet the disclosure requirements for fees and expenses for contracted services

The Panel decided to report the company to the Appeal Board under Paragraph 8.2 of the
Constitution and Procedure for it to decide whether further sanctions were appropriate.

The Code of Practice Appeal Board required Novo Nordisk to be publicly reprimanded.

This summary is not intended to be read in isolation.
For full details, please see the full case report below