AUTH/3765/4/23 - Complainant v Takeda

Allegations related to Takeda’s rare disease website

  • Received
    25 April 2023
  • Case number
  • Completed
    27 June 2024
  • No breach Clause(s)
  • Breach Clause(s)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal

Case Summary

This case was in relation to Takeda’s ‘Rare Disease Hub’ website. The complainant’s allegations related to:
• the use of a white border around the black triangle symbol
• the absence of an explanation of the black triangle symbol’s meaning
• the absence of the adverse event reporting statement
• the potential for the ‘disease awareness’ section of the website to promote medicines to patients
• the provision of prescribing information for multiple medicines via a single webpage
• the inclusion of prescribing information for a medicine that the complainant alleged was not licensed in Northern Ireland
• the presentation of information about adverse reactions in prescribing information.

The outcome under the 2021 Code was:

Breach of Clause 12.9

Failing to include the adverse event reporting statement


No Breach of Clause 5.1

Requirement to maintain high standards at all times

No Breach of Clause 5.6 (x2)

Requirement to tailor material to the audience to whom it is directed

No Breach of Clause 6.1

Requirement that information must be accurate, up to date and not misleading

No Breach of Clause 11.1

Requirement that a medicine must not be promoted prior to the grant of its marketing authorisation

No Breach of Clause 12.1 (x2)

Requirement to include up-to-date prescribing information

No Breach of Clause 12.10

Requirement to include the black triangle in promotional material

No Breach of Clause 15.6

Requirement that promotional materials and activities must not be disguised

No Breach of Clause 26.4

Requirement to include the black triangle in material which relates to a medicine subject to additional monitoring and that is intended for patients taking that medicine

This summary is not intended to be read in isolation.
For full details, please see the full case report below.