AUTH/3690/8/22 - Complainant v GSK

Promotion of dostarlimab (Jemperli) on LinkedIn

  • Received
    06 September 2022
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    17 August 2023
  • No breach Clause(s)
  • Breach Clause(s)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal

Case Summary

This case was in relation to a LinkedIn post independently created by a renowned cancer institution which was ‘loved’ by a UK-based senior medical GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) employee.

 The Panel ruled a breach of the following Clauses of the 2021 Code because the senior employee’s engagement with the post had, on the balance of probabilities, proactively disseminated the material to their connections which included members of the public and promoted Jemperli for an indication that was outside of the terms of its marketing authorisation:

Breach of Clause 5.1

Failing to maintain high standards

Breach of Clause 11.2

Promotion inconsistent with the summary of product characteristics

 The Panel ruled no breach of the following Clauses of the 2021 Code because Jemperli already had a marketing authorisation, albeit for a different indication than mentioned in the article, and because the Panel noted GSK appeared to have the requisite policies and training in place:

No Breach of Clause 2

Requirement that activities or materials must not bring discredit upon, or reduce confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry

No Breach of Clause 3.1

Requirement that a medicine must not be promoted prior to the grant of its marketing authorisation

This summary is not intended to be read in isolation.
For full details, please see the full case report below.