AUTH/3689/8/22 - Voluntary admission by CSL Vifor

Promotional activities in relation to a Cardiology conference

  • Received
    05 September 2022
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    30 August 2023
  • Breach Clause(s)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal

Case Summary

This was a voluntary admission by CSL Vifor which related to certain promotional activities at a cardiology conference in May 2022 that had not been certified as required by the Code.             

The Panel ruled a breach of the following Clauses of the 2021 Code as the promotional material in question had not been certified by a signatory notified in advance to the MHRA and PMCPA and therefore the promotional material had not been certified as required by the Code; certification underpinned self-regulation and the error was such that CSL Vifor had failed to maintain high standards: 

Breach of Clause 5.1

Failing to maintain high standards

Breach of Clause 8.1

Failing to certify promotional material

Breach of Clause 8.4

Failing to notify in advance to the PMCPA and the MHRA the names and qualifications of those nominated as signatories

 This summary is not intended to be read in isolation.
             For full details, please see the full case report below.