AUTH/3676/7/22 - Complainant v Roche

Concerns about content on a patient organisation website

  • Received
    07 July 2022
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    28 February 2024
  • No breach Clause(s)
  • Breach Clause(s)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    Appeal by the respondent

Case Summary

This case was in relation to the provision of a grant by Roche to support the development of a patient organisation website. The complainant alleged that the declaration of support was not clear from the outset, and that the grant agreement was not robust enough to make it clear to the patient organisation that the declaration of support should be visible from the start of the webpages. The complainant further alleged that two articles on the website in question promoted Hemlibra, a prescription only medicine, to the public.

Roche appealed four of the Panel’s rulings of breaches of the Code in relation to the allegations about declaration of support on the patient organisation website and the content of the grant agreement; the outcome under the 2021 Code was:


No Breach of Clause 5.1(x2) [Panel’s breach rulings overturned at appeal]


Requirement to maintain high standards at all times

Breach of Clause 23.2 [Panel’s breach ruling upheld at appeal]


Failing to include, in the written agreement for a donation or grant, a statement that all parties are fully aware that the donation or grant must be clearly acknowledged and apparent from the start


Breach of Clause 25.3 [Panel’s breach ruling upheld at appeal]


Failing to ensure that all sponsorship is clearly acknowledged from the outset and that the wording of the declaration of sponsorship is unambiguous and accurately reflects the extent of the company’s involvement and influence over the material.


In relation to the allegations about the declaration of support on the patient organisation website and the content of the grant agreement, the Panel ruled no breach of the following Clause of the 2021 Code:

No Breach of Clause 2(x2)


Requirement that activities or materials must not bring discredit upon, or reduce confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry


In relation to the allegations that two articles on the website promoted Hemlibra to the public, the Panel ruled no breaches of the following Clauses of the 2021 Code:

No Breach of Clause 2(x2)


Requirement that activities or materials must not bring discredit upon, or reduce confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry



No breach of Clause 5.1(x2)


Requirement to maintain high standards at all times

No breach of Clause 6.5 (Only for one article – see full case report)

Requirement that the word ‘new’ must not be used to describe any product which has been generally available for more than 12 months in the UK


No breach of Clause 12.1(x2)

Requirement to include prescribing information in promotional material

No breach of Clause 26.1(x2)


Requirement to not advertise prescription only medicines to the public


No breach of Clause 26.2(x2)


Requirement that information about prescription only medicines which is made available to the public must not raise unfounded hopes of successful treatment and must not encourage the public to ask their health professional to prescribe a specific prescription only medicine.


This summary is not intended to be read in isolation.
For full details, please see the full case report below.