AUTH/3221/6/19 - Medicines information pharmacist v Colonis

Promotion of Melatonin Oral Solution

  • Received
    29 June 2019
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    20 December 2019
  • Breach Clause(s)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    To be published

Case Summary

A medical information pharmacist in an NHS trust, complained about a letter (ref UK-CPL-121-008) promoting Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution sent by Colonis Pharma Limited. Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution was indicated for the short-term treatment of jet-lag in adults.

The complainant noted that the claims ‘Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution should be prescribed over unlicensed alternatives’ and ‘Specials should not be supplied on the basis of cost or convenience if Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution satisfies the patient’s clinical need’ were both referenced to a publication from a named NHS clinical commissioning group (CCG) titled ‘Unlicensed, off-label medicines and specials’. The complainant alleged that the cited reference did not properly support either claim as there was no mention of melatonin. The reference cited gave the claims misleading and unwarranted weight.

The complainant further noted that Colonis Pharma data on file was cited in support of the second claim above. In the complainant’s view it was meaningless and ridiculous for a writer to state anything they liked and reference it to Data on file. It was misleading as it implied that the claim was supported by another credible authority rather than Colonis effectively referencing itself. The complainant was puzzled by what ‘data’ could support the claim.

The detailed response from Colonis is given below.

The Panel noted that the claims at issue appeared in a promotional letter sent to announce that Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution was now licensed. The licensed indication ‘for short-term treatment of jet-lag in adults’ was stated in black bold regular sized font in the first sentence of the letter. The letter claimed, inter alia, in larger green bold font, that Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution should be prescribed over unlicensed alternatives and that ‘Specials’ should not be supplied on the basis of cost or convenience if Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution satisfied the patient’s clinical need; the latter claim was highlighted within a box.

The Panel noted that the claim ‘Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution should be prescribed over unlicensed alternatives’ was referenced to a document from a named CCG document which referred to, inter alia, decision guides and responsibilities of health professionals in relation to the use of unlicensed medicines, off-label medicines and ‘Specials’; it did not refer to any specific product in detail and there was no reference to melatonin.

The Panel noted Colonis’ submission that the claim ‘Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution should be prescribed over unlicensed alternatives’ was implicit that unlicensed products as a group were being referred to rather than Melatonin Oral Solution specifically.

In the Panel’s view, the claim at issue, referenced to the named CCG document, as an integral part of a promotional piece about Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution, implied that the CCG document specifically discussed the preferential use of Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution over unlicensed alternatives which was not so. The Panel considered that the claim was misleading and could not be substantiated by the reference cited. Breaches of the Code were ruled.

The Panel noted that the second claim at issue ‘Specials should not be supplied on the basis of cost or convenience if Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution satisfies the patient’s clinical need’ was referenced to the same named CCG document, guidance about the prescribing of ‘Specials’ from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and Colonis data on file.

The Panel noted that the Code did not prohibit the use of data on file as a reference in promotional material. It appeared that the complainant had not requested a copy of the data on file from Colonis.

The Panel noted that the data on file was correspondence between Colonis and the MHRA in relation to Melatonin 3mg Tablets and made no reference to Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution. In the correspondence, the MHRA stated that it was important for marketing authorization holders to understand that there may still be reasons for using an unlicensed product after a licensed equivalent has become available.

The Panel noted that the cited guidance from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society was general guidance in relation to prescribing specials and made no reference to melatonin.

The Panel noted its comments above and considered that it was misleading to cite general advice about the principles of using unlicensed medicines or ‘Specials’ in a way which implied that such documents specifically discussed the preferential use of Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution over ‘Specials’. Together the cited references implied to the reader that the claim ‘Specials should not be supplied on the basis of cost or convenience if Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution satisfies the patient’s clinical need’ was based on robust, product specific advice which was not so. The Panel considered that the claim was misleading in this regard and ruled a breach of the Code. The Panel did not consider that the named CCG document, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society document or the email trail with the MHRA substantiated the claim which was specifically about Melatonin 1mg/ml Oral Solution and a breach was ruled. A further breach was ruled as Colonis had failed to maintain high standards.