AUTH/2814/12/15 - Anonymous, non-contactable v Boehringer Ingelheim

Symposium at a meeting

  • Received
    21 December 2015
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    08 February 2016
  • No breach Clause(s)
    2, 3.1, 3.2, 9.1 and 19.1
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    May 2016

Case Summary

​​​​An anonymous, non-contactable complainant noted that medical symposia at a European congress held in London in 2015 included off-label discussions and discussions about grants for medical research while stating that prescribing information was available. The complainant thought that prescribing information was associated with promotion and provided a copy of a slide from a Boehringer Ingelheim symposium as an example. Boehringer Ingelheim marketed Pradaxa (dabigatran) which was a novel oral anticoagulant (NOAC). 

The detailed response from Boehringer Ingelheim is given below. 

The Panel noted that the slide was from a symposium entitled 'Your patients, your practice, your choice: NOACs in the clinic' which comprised four presentations focussing on the use of dabigatran. The complainant had not provided details of what he/she considered to be off-label. Conversely, Boehringer Ingelheim provided copies of all of the presentations and submitted that although two were about topics currently under debate with ongoing studies, both were in line with dabigatran's marketing authorization. Whilst Boehringer Ingelheim submitted that the fourth presentation referred to its reversal agent for dabigatran which did not have an EU licence the Panel noted it did not have a complaint in this regard and it was thus obliged to rule no breach of the Code. The complaint solely concerned off-label promotion which in the Panel's view meant that a product was licensed but its promotion was inconsistent with that licence. There was no evidence before the Panel that Boehringer Ingelheim had promoted Pradaxa outside the terms of its marketing authorization or in a manner inconsistent with the particulars listed in its summary of product characteristics and on this narrow ground no breach of the Code was ruled. 

The Panel noted its rulings above and considered that Boehringer Ingelheim had not failed to maintain high standards and thus ruled no breach of the Code and consequently ruled no breach of Clause 2. 

With regard to the complainant's comment about grants for medical research being discussed at medical symposia where prescribing information was available, the Panel considered that the complainant had not explained why such activity might be in breach of the Code. The complainant was non-contactable and so the Panel could not ask him/her for more information. A judgement had to be made on the evidence provided by the parties. The Panel noted Boehringer Ingelheim's submission that its corporate team had supported the congress organiser's Grants for Medical Research Innovation and information relating to the grant was only shown at the end of Boehringer Ingelheim sponsored sessions, where the main information about the scientific research grant programme had been shared by the congress organiser itself. The agreement was neither dabigatran specific nor was dabigatran mentioned anywhere on the related documents. The Panel considered that the complainant had not demonstrated that, in displaying information about a medical research grant, Boehringer Ingelheim had breached the Code and the Panel thus ruled no breaches of the Code.

During its consideration of this case, the Panel noted that the fourth symposium presentation included claims for a specific reversal agent for dabigatran. The Panel was concerned that the medicine had thus been promoted prior to the grant of a marketing authorization which permitted its sale or supply and requested that Boehringer Ingelheim be advised of its concerns in this regard.​