AUTH/2610/6/13 - Warner Chilcott v Tillotts Pharma

Promotion of Octasa

  • Received
    17 June 2013
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    10 September 2013
  • No breach Clause(s)
    2 and 7.2
  • Breach Clause(s)
    7.2 (x7), 7.3 (x3), 7.4 (x4), 7.10, 9.1 (x2), 9.10 and 12.
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    November 2013

Case Summary

Warner Chilcott UK complained about the promotion of Octasa (mesalazine modified- release tablets) by Tillotts Pharma UK. The material at issue was a journal supplement published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. Warner Chilcott marketed Asacol (mesalazine modified release).

The detailed response from Tillotts is given below.

Warner Chilcott submitted that the supplement looked like a non-promotional, educational update – as indicated by its title 'Educational update' – produced by two independent health professionals and formatted in the house style of The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. These features were not consistent with a promotional supplement. The Code was explicit on this point and clearly indicated that promotional material in journals should not resemble independent editorial matter.

The Panel noted that Tillotts had provided data and reviewed and approved the article. The supplement was entitled 'Introducing Octasa MR (mesalazine) – The lowest cost, oral, pH-dependent, modifiedrelease mesalazine formulation available?'. Octasa prescribing information was included. The Panel considered that Tillotts was inextricably linked to the production of the supplement.

Further, the company had submitted that it had provided reprints of the supplement to support Octasa, vs Asacol and had cited it in other materials. In the Panel's view, Tillotts was thus responsible under the Code for the content of the supplement. The front cover of the supplement was headed 'Educational update' which was underlined in red. The names of two independent authors appeared in the middle of the front cover. The outside top corner of each page of the article which made up the supplement, featured a red box labeled 'Educational update' in bold white type. A declaration of sponsorship appeared at the bottom of the cover page and again at the end of the article on page 3; the Octasa prescribing information appeared on page 4.

The Panel noted Tillotts' involvement with the material and considered that although there were elements to show that the supplement was a promotional piece, its prominent characterisation as an 'Educational update' was such that the promotional nature of the material was disguised. In this regard, the Panel further noted Warner Chilcott's submission that the supplement was formatted in the house style of the journal. Although the Panel had not been provided with a copy of The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, it noted that a paper previously published in the same journal, had a similar three column layout and heading structure. A breach of the Code was ruled.

Warner Chilcott noted that the font size of the declaration of sponsorship statement was disproportionately small and the reader could easily miss it at the foot of the first page. Even if this declaration was read, claims for Octasa had already been made earlier on the page.

The Panel noted that Tillotts' declaration of sponsorship appeared on the front cover of the supplement and again at the end of the article. The declaration on the front cover was at the bottom of the page in small white type (a lower case 'm' was less than 2mm high) on a dark grey background. The dark grey band at the bottom of the page occupied 22% of the cover depth; the declaration of sponsorship statement within that band occupied 5% of the cover depth. The declaration statement was below larger type, on the same dark grey background, which referred to the associated journal. All other text on the cover was similarly in bigger and/or bolder type. The prominence of the heading 'Educational update', the title of the article and the author's names and affiliations was emphasized by the bold white type in which they were written appearing on a black background. The red underlining of 'Educational update' kept the reader's eye to the top or middle of the page. In the Panel's view, the declaration of sponsorship was such that the reader's eye would not be drawn to what appeared to be 'the small print' at the bottom of the page. In that regard the Panel did not consider that the statement was sufficiently prominent to ensure that readers were aware of it at the outset. A breach of the Code was ruled.

The claim 'Introducing Octasa MR (mesalazine) – The lowest cost, oral, pH-dependent, modified-release mesalazine formulation available?' appeared as the title of the supplement and of the article. Warner Chilcott did not accept that the question mark at the end of the title altered the nature of this wording, ie it was a claim for Octasa MR. Although no direct attempt to substantiate this claim was made, the reader was introduced in the first paragraph of the article to a list of seven available modified-release mesalazine products. No cost data were presented yet the title implied that Octasa was the cheapest option.

However, even if taking a cost minimisation approach, which might be questionable with no head-to-head clinical data for any of these products vs Octasa, the acquisition cost of mesalazine therapy should also take into consideration the prescribed daily dosage of mesalazine which varied by product and indication. Using the recommended dosing schedules and the prices presented in MIMS, May 2013, it was clear that there were mesalazine products/doses available in the UK with a lower acquisition cost than some daily doses of Octasa, including pH-dependent, modified release tablets.

Furthermore, this claim implied that both Octasa preparations were equivalently priced, which was not so; the daily cost of 2.4g/day mesalazine was greater for Octasa MR 800mg tablets than for Octasa MR 400mg tablets. Clearly both Octasa products could not be the lowest cost formulation available as one was more expensive than the other. Thus, to make a broad claim that Octasa MR was the lowest cost, oral, pH-dependent, modified-release mesalazine formulation available was inaccurate, misleading and incapable of substantiation.

In the Panel's view, although the title was presented as a question, readers would assume it was a claim ie that Octasa MR was the lowest cost, oral, pHdependent, modified-release mesalazine available.

The first paragraph of the article introduced the reader to the seven modified-release mesalazine preparations which were available until the end of 2012. In that regard the Panel considered that the claim would be seen in the context of these seven medicines ie that Octasa was the lowest cost compared with them all. The Panel noted that additional data provided by Tillotts showed that Octasa MR 400mg tablets (2.4g/day) was the least expensive treatment option for acute treatment. However, for maintenance therapy a dose of Salofalk 1.5g was the least expensive option and Pentasa sachets were also less expensive than Octasa given that the highest maintenance dose of Octasa was 2.4g/day.

The Panel considered that the basis of the claim at issue had not been made abundantly clear. It was not clear as to which doses were included and if the claim related to acute treatment, maintenance treatment or both. The Panel considered that the claim was misleading as alleged and it could not be substantiated; breaches of the Code were ruled.

Warner Chilcott noted the statement 'This article describes how the launch of Octasa MR (Tillotts Pharmaceuticals) provides an opportunity to keep costs down without compromising patient care' appeared as part of the sub-heading to page 1 of the article. Warner Chilcott stated that in its view, the article neither presented nor referred to any evidence or data relating to the clinical benefits of Octasa in patient care. The supplement discussed the in vitro dissolution characteristics and cost differences between Asacol MR 400mg/800mg tablets and Octasa (Mesren) MR 400mg/800mg tablets. It appeared therefore that the statement 'without compromising patient care' was based purely on the extrapolation of in vitro data to the clinical situation and implied that without clinical evidence, interchanging the products discussed would not affect patient management or compromise patient care. To make this assumption without clinical data to show that it was of direct relevance and significance was misleading, in breach of the Code.

The Panel noted that the statement at issue was the second sentence to the subheading on page 1 of the article. The sub-heading, in full, read:

'The discontinuation of Mesren MR (mesalazine' Teva Pharmaceuticals) could have considerable cost implications for the NHS. This article describes how the launch of Octasa MR (Tillotts Pharmaceuticals) provides an opportunity to keep costs down without compromising patient care.'

The Panel noted that with the discontinuation of Mesren, patients previously taking that medicine would have to be switched to an alternative mesalazine product. The Panel further noted that Octasa was, as stated in the article, essentially a rebrand of Mesren; the formulation of both medicines was the same. In the Panel's view, patients switching from Mesren to Octasa should not notice a clinical difference in therapy. The Panel considered that in the context of the discontinuation of Mesren MR, the statement at issue was not misleading as alleged. No breach of the Code was ruled.

Warner Chilcott submitted that whilst the supplement referred to the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG), the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (ECCO) and the British National Formulary (BNF) guidelines and statements, it was quick to disregard the caution represented by these bodies in relation to indiscriminate switching between mesalazine brands and the recommendation to prescribe modified-release mesalazine by brand. To date, there had been no head-to-head clinical studies between Octasa and any other mesalazine and very few head-to-head clinical studies between the different modifiedrelease mesalazines in general. Absence of evidence showing clinical differences between mesalazines (because these studies had not been conducted) was not equivalent to evidence demonstrating no clinically significant differences between the mesalazines, hence the caution in the guidelines that these products should not be considered interchangeable. Dismissal of these cautions and recommendations supported Tillotts' aim to have mesalazine patients indiscriminately switched to Octasa and misrepresented the guidelines in this way was misleading and did not encourage the rational use of Octasa.

Furthermore, Warner Chilcott noted the comment that the BNF statement was 'originally made before the introduction of Mesren MR 400mg and Octasa MR 400mg to the UK market'. Whilst that might or might not be true (Mesren MR 400mg tablets were first licensed in the UK in November 2003) the comment implied that the BNF's position was outdated and could be further disregarded on these grounds. Warner Chilcott noted that the BNF was updated regularly and as it continued to use this statement, it presumably reflected the BNF's current position and was not an outdated recommendation as implied. Warner Chilcott alleged that this section of the supplement misled by distortion and failed to encourage the rational use of Octasa.

The Panel noted that the first section of the journal supplement introduced the reader to seven modified release mesalazine preparations and then stated that the article would describe someof the similarities and differences of three of them – Mesren, Octasa and Asacol. The next section of the article referred to prescribing guidelines and that the BSG and ECCO had recommended that modified-release mesalazine should be prescribed by brand. It was stated however, that both guidelines appeared to suggest that there was little in the way of significant differences between available products with regard to important clinical outcomes. It was noted that the BNF statement which advised that oral mesalazine preparations should not be considered interchangeable was made before Mesren and Octasa had been introduced to the UK market.

The Panel considered that overall, the take home message was that it was not important to prescribe any modified-release mesalazine by brand and that they were all essentially interchangeable. In that regard the Panel noted that the sub-heading referred to 'modified release mesalazine' and so it appeared that the subsequent discussion was not restricted in its scope to Asacol, Mesren and Octasa. The Panel considered that this was misleading. A breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel did not consider that the information encouraged the rational use of Octasa. A breach of the Code was ruled. Warner Chilcott noted the paragraph entitled 'Are there any significant differences between Asacol MR and Octasa MR?' despite an acknowledgement in the supplement that there was no comparative clinical data for Octasa vs Asacol MR. Instead, the article focussed on data from in vitro dissolution studies to make a case for (clinical) similarity between Asacol and Octasa. However, the methodology of these in vitro studies made it impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions about the similarities or differences between these products in vivo, let alone in various stages of disease activity in patients with ulcerative colitis. Warner Chilcott submitted that in vitro dissolution studies could not fully reproduce the conditions of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with ulcerative colitis. Furthermore, no statistical comparisons between the findings for Mesren and Asacol were presented and no in vitro/in vivo correlation had been established to indicate the potential clinical significance of the findings. Warner Chilcott noted that Fadda and Basit (2005), presented in the supplement, commented on the poor in vitro/in vivo correlations obtained for pH-responsive, modifiedrelease dosage forms. Thus, any conclusions about the significance of the findings of these in vitro data were impossible and attempting to do so in this manner was misleading.

The Panel noted that in the section of the supplement entitled 'Are there any significant differences between Asacol MR and Octasa MR?' it was clearly stated that 'Octasa MR has not been compared directly in a clinical study with Asacol MR'. The Panel considered, however, that most readers would read the rest of the section and assume, even in the acknowledged absence of clinical data, that because the in vitro dissolution characteristics of Mesren and Asacol were similar, the clinical effects of Octasa MR and Asacol MR would also be similar. There was no clinical data toshow that this was so. The Panel considered that the supplement was misleading in this regard. A breach of the Code was ruled.

Warner Chilcott noted that the y-axis of a graph was unlabelled and so it was unclear and ambiguous as to what was presented; it was impossible for the reader to interpret the findings presented. Warner Chilcott alleged that Tillotts had thus failed to maintain high standards in terms of representing the data and reviewing the article before publication.

The Panel noted that the graph was referenced to 'Tillotts Pharma 2012. Data on file' and headed 'Dissolution of Mesren MR 400mg vs Asacol Mr 400mg and 800mg'. The y-axis was not labelled and so in that regard the Panel considered that the graph did not reflect the evidence clearly. The Panel ruled a breach of the Code. The Panel further considered that the use of a poorly labelled graph meant that high standards had not been maintained. A breach of the Code was ruled.

Warner Chilcott alleged that the figure presented for the annual cost of Asacol, 2.4g/day, should be £715.58 and not £715.40 as shown. This error meant that all data derived from this figure was also inaccurate.

Warner Chilcott further submitted that the table was misleading in that it failed to take into account possible changes of dose through a year as patients responded, or not, to therapy. Failure to take this into account in the costs therefore presented an artificial and misleading scenario that would not be encountered in clinical practice and therefore this table presented inflated and unrealistic cost savings that could never be achieved.

Warner Chilcott further submitted that the table failed to state that to obtain the proposed cost savings, the calculations assumed that all 300 patients (the typical number of patients with ulcerative colitis in an average primary care trust (PCT)) would be switched from Asacol to Octasa. This was simply not the case. Although Asacol was the market leader, it had only approximately 40% of market share. As this had not been taken into account, the figures proposed were inflated and misleading.

Other factors omitted from the calculations presented in the table were the cost of implementing such a switch and the management of any relapses or other adverse events. Warner Chilcott was not aware of any clinical study that could be used to accurately describe the true impact of such a switch programme in terms of cost savings or clinical benefit for the patient. However, Robinson et al (2013) demonstrated that stable, adherent patients prescribed Asacol MR formulations had a 3.5 times higher risk of experiencing a flare when switched to another mesalazine product compared with being maintained on Asacol.

The Panel noted that the table at issue compared the daily and annual costs of Octasa MR 400mg, Octasa MR 800mg and Asacol MR all at 2.4g/dayand stated the annual cost savings per patient and per 300 patients if Octasa was prescribed instead of Asacol. The daily cost for Asacol was stated to be £1.96 with an annual cost of £715.40. The Panel noted that data from Tillotts showed that 120 Asacol MR 400mg tablets cost £39.21 ie 196.05 pence per dose of 2.4g which gave an annual cost of £715.58. The Panel noted that the table stated that the annual cost of Asacol 2.4g/day was £715.40 which was not so. The Panel considered that the table was not accurate in that regard as alleged and a breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel noted that the table stated the annual cost savings per 300 patients if they were prescribed Octasa 2.4g/day instead of Asacol 2.4g/day. The authors had stated that 300 was the typical number of patients for an average PCT, based on a population of 300,000 and an estimated prevalence of ulcerative colitis of between 120 and 150 per 100,000. The Panel noted that this would therefore mean that an average PCT would have 360 to 450 ulcerative colitis patients.

The Panel noted that Tillotts had stated that the prevalence of ulcerative colitis was 240 per 100,000 population and so an average PCT with 350,000 people would have 840 ulcerative colitis patients. Ninety per cent of those patients would be on mesalazine (756) and at least half of them (378) would be on Asacol given its market share.

The Panel thus noted that the authors' justification for assuming 300 patients and Tillotts' justification for the same were quite different. In that regard the Panel considered that the assumptions made in the table were unclear and in that regard the comparisons made within the table were misleading and the data within the table could not be substantiated. Breaches of the Code were ruled.

The Panel noted that Robinson et al post-dated the preparation date of the educational update (December 2012). Robinson et al, however, was a retrospective study using a UK pharmacy dispensing database. Although the authors referred to a 3.5 times greater risk of relapse in adherent patients switched from one mesalazine product to another, compared with non-switch patients, the authors stated that further research was needed before making firm conclusions about the implications of the results for disease management. The Panel noted that there was no clinical data before it which showed that patients switched from one mesalazine to another were more likely to experience a flare in their condition as alleged. On that very narrow basis, the Panel considered that the data in table 1 was not misleading in that regard. No breach of the Code was ruled.

Warner Chilcott noted that the paragraph entitled, 'Are there any cost differences?' essentially summarised the data presented in table 1 and included claims that 'Asacol MR is 50% more expensive than Mesren/Octasa MR 400mg and 25% more expensive than Octasa MR 800mg' and that 'One year of maintenance therapy (2.4g daily) would equate to a £72,000 difference in expenditure for 300 patients'. For all the reasonsdiscussed above Warner Chilcott alleged that these claims were misleading, presented inaccurate and inappropriate cost comparisons and were incapable of substantiation.

The Panel noted that the section of the educational update at issue was a description and justification of the data used in the table considered above. Readers were referred to the table. The Panel noted its comments and rulings above and considered that they applied to the paragraph now at issue. Breaches of the Code were ruled.

Warner Chilcott noted that the concluding paragraph of the supplement contained the claim that 'Octasa MR… represents the least expensive, pH-dependent, modified-release mesalazine product available in the UK'. As indicated above, even with a cost minimisation approach, which might be questionable with no head-to-head clinical data for any mesalazine vs Octasa, claims about the acquisition cost of mesalazine therapy should take into consideration the daily mesalazine dosage which varied by product and indication. Using the recommended dosing schedules and the prices presented in MIMS it was clear that there were mesalazine products/doses available in the UK with a lower acquisition cost than some daily doses of Octasa, including pH-dependent, modifiedrelease tablets. Thus, this claim was alleged to be inaccurate, misleading and incapable of substantiation.

The Panel noted its comments above and considered that they applied here. Breaches of the Code were ruled.

Warner Chilcott submitted that Tillotts' close involvement in the writing, review and approval of this item and in the provision of data to the authors should have assured that the highest standards of content would be maintained. Instead there were a number of fundamental inaccuracies and breaches of the Code which collectively reflected failure to maintain high standards.

The Panel noted its rulings above of breaches of the Code and considered that high standards had not been maintained. A breach of the Code was ruled.

Warner Chilcott was concerned that the multiplicity of fundamental errors and breaches of the Code contained within the supplement potentially put ulcerative colitis patients at risk. A breach of Clause 2 was alleged. The Panel noted its rulings above and that some of the matters considered overlapped. Although concerned about the poor standard of the material at issue, the Panel did not consider that it was such as to bring discredit upon, or reduce confidence in, the industry. No breach of Clause 2 was ruled.