AUTH/2522/7/12 - Member of the public v Merck Serono

Alleged disclosure of patient data

  • Received
    03 July 2012
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    24 August 2012
  • No breach Clause(s)
    1.8, 2 and 9.1
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    November 2012

Case Summary

​A member of the public complained about an email from a market research agency, inviting her to take part in on online survey for Merck Serono about a new walking aid for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The complainant stated that the market research agency obtained her details from confidential information that she had given to Merck Serono two years previously when she had joined a patient support website for patients prescribed Merck Serono's MS medicine Rebif (interferon beta-1a).

The complainant noted the website had a specific web privacy promise that Merck Serono would not pass patient details onto a third party unless required to do so by law. In any event Merck Serono would need to ask for express permission as it was her personal medical data. Merck Serono claimed that the permission was not specific but was there and that the wording of the privacy policy just needed 'tightening up'.

The complainant was very concerned the market research agency claimed it was 'partnered' with several other medical market research agencies including one of the largest in the country, so she assumed that her details were now common property.

The complainant alleged that Merck seemed to think it had found a way to do market research on the cheap at the cost to patients of letting the world know that they had MS. This was deceitful and should be stopped as soon as possible.

The complainant had taken Rebif for six months until an adverse event. She was now on another medicine and was surprised and then dismayed to be contacted again.

The complainant had contacted Merck Serono and considered its response did not address the privacy issue or the continuation of the practice of sending patient data out for market research. The complainant noted that Merck Serono now intended to contact patients which seemed even more controversial.

The detailed response from Merck Serono is given below.

The Panel noted that the survey was sent to patients who had registered on a patient support website for Merck Serono's prescription medicine, Rebif. The Panel noted that the complaint was about provision of patients' email addresses by a pharmaceutical company to its market research agency and considered that the matter was potentially covered by the Code. The Code stated that pharmaceutical companies must comply with all applicable codes, laws and regulations to which they were subject. The Panel noted that the Data Protection Act 1998 was potentially relevant to matters within the scope of the Code and so in that regard the matter was covered by the Code.

The Panel noted that, in order to register on the website, the complainant had had to submit, inter alia, her email address and tick a box to declare that she had read and understood the privacy policy and website terms of use and give consent for her personal data to be processed in accordance with the privacy policy.

Point 1 of the privacy policy informed readers that Merck Serono might collect and process their personal data and might also ask the reader to complete surveys that Merck Serono used for research purposes although the reader did not have to respond to them. In the Panel's view it was thus clear that registered users might be contacted to complete a survey. Point 5 noted that information held might be used, inter alia, to carry out market research into medical conditions and the usefulness of the health information that Merck Serono provided. Point 6 stated that in specified circumstances Merck Serono might disclose personal information to third parties and, in addition, to any member of its group of companies. The Panel noted Merck Serono's submission that disclosure to a market research agency was not listed under Point 6 because, according to the Data Protection Act, the provision of personal data to third party data processors was not deemed to be the transfer of information which required the consent of the data subject. In the Panel's view, most readers of the privacy policy would not know the provisions for the Data Protection Act well enough to realize this.

The Panel considered that Merck Serono's privacy policy was not unacceptable. It was also not necessarily unacceptable for Merck Serono to have provided the complainant's email address to the market research agency in these circumstances. The market research agency had acted on behalf of Merck Serono and had been briefed to only use the email addresses for the purpose of the survey and to destroy any copy of the emails on completion of the survey.

Although the privacy policy could have been clearer that Merck Serono might use an agency to conduct market research, the emailed invitation from the agency clearly explained that it had been appointed by Merck Serono to carry out the survey. The email also informed the reader that their personal details would remain confidential and would not be passed on to anyone. Contact details were given for concerns or queries.

The Panel noted Merck Serono's submission that such research was always conducted by a market research agency to preserve the respondents' anonymity to Merck Serono and to ensure that theresearch remained unbiased. The market research agency had confirmed that, subsequent to the dispatch of the email in question, all copies of the patients' email addresses were deleted or destroyed.

The Panel noted its comment above regarding the Data Protection Act and the application of the Code and that no evidence had been submitted to show that an appropriate judicial forum had formally considered this matter to be in breach of the Act. The Panel thus ruled no breach of the Code. The Panel did not consider that in the provision of the patients' email addresses to its agency, Merck Serono had failed to maintain high standards. The privacy policy applicable at the time made the position sufficiently clear. No breaches of the Code were ruled including Clause 2.