AUTH/2473/1/12 - Voluntary Admission by Vifor Pharma – Ferinject Advertisement

Ferinject Advertisement

  • Received
    24 January 2012
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    23 March 2012
  • Breach Clause(s)
    14.1 (x3)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    May 2012

Case Summary

Vifor Pharma advised the Authority that three advertisements for Ferinject (ferric carboxymaltose) solution for injection/infusion, placed in international journals by its global colleagues, had not been certified in accordance with the Code. Ferinject was indicated for the treatment of iron deficiency when oral iron preparations were ineffective or could not be used.

In accordance with Paragraph 5.6 of the Constitution and Procedure for the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority, the Director treated the matter as a complaint.

The detailed response from Vifor is given below.

The Panel noted Vifor's submission that the content of each journal was produced in the UK for a European and international circulation. Vifor submitted that the editorial offices for each of the three journals was managed from, and the journals were typeset and printed in, the UK. The Panel thus considered that the advertisements in the journals at issue fell within the scope of the Code.

The Panel noted that although the advertisements for Ferinject had been placed by Vifor's global office, it was an established principle that UK companies were responsible for the acts/omissions of overseas parents and affiliates that came within the scope of the Code. The advertisements had not been certified in accordance with the UK Code. The Panel thus ruled a breach of the Code in relation to each advertisement, as acknowledged by Vifor.