AUTH/2315/4/10 - Anonymous Employee v Merck Serono

Target contact rates

  • Received
    07 May 2010
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    01 June 2010
  • No breach Clause(s)
    15.4 and 15.9
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    August 2010

Case Summary

An anonymous, uncontactable key account manager complained that the target contact rates set verbally by his/her manager could not be achieved without breaching the Code.

The detailed response from Merck Serono is given below.

The Panel noted that the complainant had made a general allegation about target contact rates but had provided no details. The complainant had referred to verbal instructions given by his/her manager. The complainant had the burden of proving their complaint on the balance of probabilities.

The Panel noted that Merck Serono had provided documents to show that the objectives set for key account mangers related largely to sales targets not call rates. Key account managers were expected to contact a high percentage of individual health professionals within a three month period but it was not stated how many repeat calls had to be made. Merck Serono's customer recording management system showed that the estimated average annual call rate per key account manager (excluding service calls) was 2.4 with a variation of 0.8 to 4.5. Merck Serono currently could not distinguish calls from contacts on its customer recording management system although this would change shortly. The company estimated that currently 30% of recorded calls were service calls. The Panel noted that Merck Serono had calculated that although the estimated average annual call rate for all of its key account managers was 2.4, one member of the team had an estimated annual call rate of 4.5. Merck Serono must ensure that each individual team member complied with the Code, not just the team as a whole.

 Nonetheless, the Panel considered that there was no evidence to support the complainant's allegation that the key account managers had been set target contact rates such that to achieve them they had to breach the Code. No breach of the Code was ruled.