AUTH/2273/10/09 - Lilly v Novo Nordisk

Victoza launch

  • Received
    09 October 2009
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    28 April 2010
  • Breach Clause(s)
    3.2 (x2), 7.2 (x22), 7.3 (x8), 7.4 (x5), 7.8 (x2), 7.9 (x3), 7.10 (x10), 8.1 (x2), 9.1(x5) and 22.2 (x4)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    Appeal by respondent
  • Review
    May 2010

Case Summary

Lilly complained about promotional and press materials issued to mark the launch of Victoza (liraglutide) by Novo Nordisk. Allegations were also made about patient support materials. Lilly made many repetitive allegations and they are not all repeated in this summary. The detailed complaint from Lilly is given below.

Victoza was a once daily, human glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 analogue. It was indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes to achieve glycaemic control firstly in combination with metformin or a sulphonylurea in patients with insufficient glycaemic control despite maximally tolerated dose of monotherapy with metformin or a sulphonylurea. Secondly in combination with metformin and a sulphonylurea or a thiazoldinedione in patients with insufficient glycaemic control despite dual therapy. Byetta (exenatide), was a twice daily GLP-1 analogue, marketed by Lilly, licensed for second-line use with sulphonylureas or metformin.

 With regard to public relations materials Lilly referred to seven articles (including one television and one radio interview) in the lay and health professional media. Lilly was concerned that the articles implied that Victoza was to be used for weight loss or reductions in blood pressure (BP) rather than its licensed indication. Lilly alleged that the overwhelming emphasis on weight reduction was likely to raise unfounded hopes of successful treatment. The same could be said of the implied claim of protection against heart disease by virtue of Victoza's effect on BP. Lilly alleged breaches of many clauses of the Code including a failure to provide details of precautions and side effects.

The detailed response from Novo Nordisk is given below.

In considering the allegations about articles/interviews in the media the Panel examined the press materials provided by Novo Nordisk, not the articles/interviews per se. The media backgrounder package comprised seven documents including one on 'Incretins' and another on 'Victoza (liraglutide)'. There was also a lay press release and a medical press release. The Panel considered that as the press pack did not include details of precautions or side effects it was likely to mislead as to the overall benefits of Victoza. Breaches of the Code were ruled.

 The Panel was concerned that the overall impression of the press pack was that Victoza was to be prescribed to control blood glucose,reduce weight, reduce BP and improve β-cell function. The materials were not clear regarding the licensed indication as set out in the summary of product characteristics (SPC). The press pack placed equal emphasis on the pharmacodynamic information set out in the SPC with regard to reductions in weight and BP and improved β-cell function. Readers might be confused as to the precise indication for Victoza. Little mention was made that Victoza was only to be prescribed as combination therapy when first and/or second line oral treatment failed to produce adequate glycaemic control.

The Panel ruled that the backgrounders 'Incretins' and 'Victoza (liraglutide)' were misleading with regard to the licensed indication and inconsistent with the SPC. On appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board ruled no breach of the Code.

The Panel ruled that the 'Incretins' backgrounder was misleading, exaggerated and not capable of substantiation with regard to its emphasis on weight reduction which had not been quantified. The SPC stated that weight reduction was between 1kg and 2.8kg and the data was less positive for 1.2mg Victoza in that mean body weight increased by 0.23kg in the 1.2mg Victoza and glimepiride group. On appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board upheld the Panel's ruling that the 'Incretins' backgrounder was not capable of substantiation.

The 'Victoza (liraglutide)' backgrounder quantified the weight loss data but did not include the weight gain data from the SPC. The Panel ruled that the backgrounder was misleading, not capable of substantiation and exaggerated as it did not reflect the totality or limitations of the data. On appeal by Novo Nordisk, the Appeal Board ruled no breach.

The Panel ruled breaches as the 'Incretins' and 'Victoza (liraglutide)' backgrounders were not presented in a balanced way and would raise unfounded hopes of successful treatment. The Panel ruled no breach in that these backgrounders were not promotional material as such and were not disguised promotion.

With regard to statements about BP the Panel noted that the backgrounders referred to reductions in systolic blood pressure (SBP). Section 5.1 of the SPC stated that Victoza decreased SBP by an average of 2.3 to 6.7mmHg from baseline and compared to active comparator the decrease was 1.9 to 4.5mmHg. The available data was for no longer than 26 weeks and relatedonly to certain combinations of liraglutide and oral antidiabetic (OAD) agents.

The 'Incretins' backgrounder stated that liraglutide's impact on, inter alia, reduction in SBP had been consistently demonstrated throughout the phase 3a LEAD (Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes) trials. The reduction was not quantified and nor was any benefit claimed for the reduction. There was no claim implied or otherwise regarding protection against heart disease as alleged and thus no breach was ruled. A similar ruling was made regarding the 'Victoza (liraglutide)' backgrounder. The Panel ruled no breach of the Code in relation to allegations that the media articles claimed Victoza helped patients stay off insulin treatment and disparaged insulin treatment. These rulings applied to the backgrounders 'Incretins', 'Victoza (liraglutide)', 'Diabetes treatment' and 'Facts about type 2 Diabetes Treatment' and the press releases.

The Panel considered that the data regarding weight loss in both the lay and medical press releases were misleading, constituted a misleading comparison and were not capable of substantiation. Breaches were ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk of these two rulings the Appeal Board did not consider that the weight loss data in the press releases was incapable of substantiation or constituted a misleading comparison and ruled no breach in these regards. The press releases exaggerated the position and a breach was ruled. The Panel considered that a quotation in the press release that '… patients with type 2 diabetes can be confident they are controlling their blood sugar, and may benefit from weight loss. This is an important advance for patients with type 2 diabetes, many of whom are already overweight' implied that if patients on liraglutide lost weight the amount lost meant that they would no longer be overweight. This was not so. Breaches were ruled. One of these rulings was appealed by Novo Nordisk. The Appeal Board considered that the claim was capable of substantiation and no breach in that regard was ruled. The Panel considered that the quotation was misleading in referring to Victoza being an important advance with regard to the potential weight loss benefit and ruled a breach. The Panel, however, did not consider that the claim disparaged Byetta and thus ruled no breach in that regard.

The Panel did not consider that the references to the benefit of a reduction of SBP in either press release were unacceptable; no benefit for the reduction was claimed or implied. No breach was ruled.

The Panel ruled that the press releases were inconsistent with the SPC and were misleading with regard to the licensed indication. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk, the Appeal Board ruled no breach.

The Panel considered that the inclusion of the very positive claims in the lay press release and the lack of information about side effects etc in effect turned the lay press release into an advertisement for a prescription only medicine and a breach was ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk, the Appeal Board ruled no breach.

The Panel considered that the press releases were not factual or balanced and would raise unfounded hopes of successful treatment particularly with regard to weight loss. Statements had been made in the lay press release to encourage the public to ask their health professional for Victoza. Each was ruled in breach.

Neither one of the opinion leaders quoted in one of the articles at issue nor a pharmacist quoted in another was a Novo Nordisk spokesperson. The Panel did not know if the pharmacist had been provided with a press pack. The Panel decided that on the information before it Novo Nordisk was not responsible under the Code for the comments attributed to either person and no breach was ruled.

In an interview, a health professional briefed by Novo Nordisk to give interviews in relation to the Victoza launch, stated that Victoza had undergone 'one of the most extensive programmes of development that we've seen in diabetes, probably well over ten years …'. In the Panel's view this implied that Victoza had undergone a more extensive development programme than other antidiabetic medicines. There was no information before the Panel to substantiate this implied comparison which was ruled in breach as it was misleading, not capable of substantiation and disparaged other medicines.

The Panel considered that other statements, that the risk of developing hypoglycaemia was extremely low, were misleading with respect to the safety of Victoza and breaches were ruled. The Panel further noted that in response to the question 'And how long has it been trialled for? There's a lot of concern sometimes about side-effects' the health professional did not refer to the side effect profile of Victoza, in particular he did not discuss the common or very common gastrointestinal effects of the medicine. The Panel ruled a breach as the answer to the question was misleading by omission.

The health professional stated that Victoza might stop type 2 diabetes progressing and stop the likelihood of patients needing to go onto insulin. There was no data before the Panel to show that this was so. Although â-cell function improved with Victoza it had not been demonstrated that patients would not need to progress onto insulin therapy. The Panel ruled breaches as the statement was misleading and exaggerated.

The Panel did not consider that it was inconsistent with the Authority's Constitution and Procedure for Novo Nordisk to provide the health professionals used at the launch with details of Lilly's complaint which Lilly alleged was an attempt by Novo Nordisk to tarnish Lilly's reputation. The Panel had not been given details of what Novo Nordisk had provided to these health professionals. As a principle it was not necessarily unacceptable under the Code. The Panel considered that Lilly had not proven its allegation on the balance of probabilities. No breach was ruled including Clause 2.

Lilly had referred to the media activity in total and alleged breaches including Clause 2.

With regard to these general allegations and the press materials referred to above, the Panel considered that high standards had not been maintained and a breach was ruled. With regard to Clause 2, which was used as a sign of particular censure, the Panel considered that issuing misleading material to the press was a serious matter as was issuing a press release that advertised a prescription only medicine to the public. The Panel thus ruled a breach of Clause 2. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board, although concerned about the material, overturned this ruling.

With regard to the journal advertisements and other promotional material Lilly was concerned, inter alia, that the material was inconsistent with the Victoza SPC and implied that it could be used as a treatment for obesity and hypertension. Claims for weight loss, reductions in BP and changes in â-cell function could not be substantiated. The promotional material implied that Victoza delayed the progression of type 2 diabetes. The material was alleged to be misleading about side effects and the dosing of Victoza. Breaches of many clauses, including Clause 2, were alleged.

The Panel considered that the heading to a journal advertisement 'Do more than lower blood glucose' encouraged Victoza to be prescribed because of its effects beyond that of glycaemic control. In that regard the benefits of therapy had not been separated from or placed subsidiary to the main indication. A wider indication was implied. The reason to use Victoza, ie to reduce HbA1c, was the third piece of information on the page after the heading and the subheading which stated that 'Once-daily Victoza … impacts on multiple factors associated with type 2 diabetes …'. In boxed text equal emphasis was given to 'Reductions in HbA1c' as to reductions in weight, SBP and improvements in B-cell function.

The Panel considered that the secondary effects on weight, SBP and B-cell function had not been placed sufficiently within the context of the primary reason for prescribing Victoza (glycaemic control) or within the limit of the data. This was inconsistent with the SPC and a breach was ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Boardoverturned the ruling as it considered the advertisement was not inconsistent with the Victoza SPC.

The Panel did not consider that the advertisement invited a comparison with other antidiabetic medicines. It suggested that Victoza offered more than lowering of blood glucose but this was not necessarily unacceptable or disparaging. No breach was ruled.

The Panel considered the claim, 'Reductions in weight', too simplistic given the data. Although weight loss would benefit type 2 diabetics, the amount lost was small. Nonetheless some weight loss, however modest, was preferable compared with the weight gain associated with some other antidiabetic treatments. The SPC recorded weight gain data for Victoza 1.2mg plus glimepiride. It was important for health professionals to fully understand the magnitude of weight loss with Victoza and that not every patient would lose weight. This was not possible from the claim at issue. The Panel considered that the claim was misleading, ambiguous and exaggerated; it could not be substantiated for each Victoza dose (1.2mg or 1.8mg) or licensed combination. Breaches were ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned the Panel's rulings as it did not consider the claim was misleading or incapable of substantiation or exaggerated.

The BP changes had not been quantified in the advertisement. The claim 'Reductions in systolic blood pressure' implied that this applied to every licensed combination and was clinically and statistically significant. The SPC only referred to reductions in SBP vs active comparator and some of the results had not been statistically significantly different to placebo. It was important that health professionals fully understood the effects on BP. This was not possible from the claim at issue. The Panel ruled that the unqualified and unquantified claim was misleading, ambiguous and exaggerated and could not be substantiated. Breaches were ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned the Panel's rulings as it did not consider that the claim was misleading, ambiguous and exaggerated and it could be substantiated.

The Panel did not consider that the lollipop tree visual implied that Victoza could uproot type 2 diabetes and eliminate the illness. In the Panel's view it illustrated that there were a number of factors linked to type 2 diabetes. The Panel did not consider the visual was, in itself, inconsistent with the SPC as alleged and no breach was ruled.

The Panel considered that high standards had not been maintained; a breach was ruled which was overturned on appeal. The Panel did not consider the circumstances warranted a ruling of a breach of Clause 2.

The Panel considered that the claim 'SMC Pending' (Scottish Medicines Consortium) used on a reprint folder strongly implied that SMC approval was a formality or a matter of time rather than reflecting that Victoza at the time was going through the SMC process. The Panel ruled that the claim was ambiguous and thus misleading. The Panel considered that the SMC's active consideration of the product was sufficient with regard to the requirement to provide substantiation. The claim did not exaggerate the position nor was it a claim for a special merit. No breach was ruled. The Panel ruled no breach with regard to the allegation that Novo Nordisk had reproduced an official document without permission. The Panel did not consider that the use of the phrase 'SMC Pending' warranted a ruling of Clause 2.

The Panel did not consider that a claim in two leavepieces 'Victoza + metformin provide significant reductions in HbA1c compared with metformin alone …' was misleading given the published data. However, an explanation of statistical significance vs metformin in the leavepieces was ruled to be misleading in that every combination included metformin.

The Panel ruled breaches as it considered a chart in the leavepieces was misleading in that only the results for patients pretreated with OAD monotherapy were shown. The Panel considered that the data had been cherry-picked to show the results which demonstrated the largest positive difference for Victoza. Further breaches were ruled. The Panel considered that the positioning and presentation of a claim 'p<0.0001 versus metformin' reinforced the misleading impression of a statistically significant difference between the Victoza + metformin and the glimepiride + metformin data which was ruled to be misleading. The presentation of the data was inconsistent with the SPC and a breach was ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk, the Appeal Board overturned this ruling.

The Panel noted that a claim 'Statistically, fewer minor hypoglycaemic events were observed with Victoza in combination with metformin compared to metformin in combination with glimepiride (p<0.001)', reflected data from the LEAD 2 study and the SPC. In that regard the Panel did not consider that the claim was misleading. However, in the Panel's view, a claim 'In a separate study, no major hypoglycaemic events were observed with Victoza in combination with metformin and a thiazolidinedione' sought to minimize a clinician's concerns regarding the occurrence of hypoglycaemia in this treatment group. The SPC listed hypoglycaemia as common in patients being so treated. Omission of this data, given the inclusion of data about major hypoglycaemia, was ruled to be misleading.

Page 3 of the leavepieces presented the weight loss data for Victoza 1.2mg in combination withmetformin although, as before, the heading and subheading did not make it clear that the results were for one dose of Victoza only. The Panel noted that the weight loss shown for Victoza plus metformin was within the range stated in the general comment in the SPC that sustained weight reduction over the duration of studies ranged between 1kg to 2.8kg (both 1.2mg and 1.8mg Victoza doses) and no breach was ruled. The Panel did not consider that the reference to early weight loss and the absence of p values in this regard implied a statistically significant difference as alleged and ruled no breach. The Panel ruled no breach with regard to absence of data for baseline body weight and the incidence of nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, dyspepsia or visceral fat. The Panel did not consider the leavepiece was disparaging with regard to visceral fat data. Lilly had not made a detailed allegation in this regard. No breach was ruled.

The Panel considered that overall the leavepieces failed to maintain high standards and a breach was ruled. The Panel did not consider that the leavepieces warranted a ruling of a breach of Clause 2.

Pages 2 and 3 of two other leavepieces did not distinguish between the licensed indication and the benefits set out in the pharmacodynamics section of the Victoza SPC. On balance the Panel ruled that the data were presented in a misleading manner in that it appeared all the data was covered by the indication for Victoza and this was not so. A breach of the Code was ruled. The Panel did not consider that the data, in effect, promoted Victoza for unlicensed indications and thus no breach was ruled in that regard. The Panel did not consider that the leavepieces accurately reflected the balance of evidence as stated in the SPC with regard to major hypoglycaemic events and breaches were ruled. The Panel considered that although a complex table of data in the leavepieces would need to be read carefully to be understood, it was not misleading per se to omit the baseline data as alleged by Lilly. No breach was ruled. The Panel did not consider that the leavepieces were disparaging as alleged and no breach was ruled.

With regard to the claim in a leavepiece 'Dosing: use one device, once a day' the Panel considered that the front page of the leavepiece was not sufficiently clear that Victoza was to be used in combination with OADs rather than as monotherapy. The claim was misleading and the Panel's ruling of a breach of the Code was upheld on appeal by Novo Nordisk.

The Panel considered the claim 'Victoza allows convenient once-daily dosing at any time independent of meals' was ambiguous and misleading given the specific mention in the SPC that '… it is preferable that Victoza is injected around the same time of day, when the most convenient time of day has been chosen'. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned the Panel's ruling.

With regard to page 2, the Panel noted that it was stated that when Victoza was administered with metformin or with metformin plus a thiazolidinedione, no dose adjustments were needed. This was in line with the SPC and no breach was ruled.

The Panel ruled that high standards had not been maintained. The Panel was concerned that the leavepiece was not clear about the indications for a new product and implied that it could be used as monotherapy. The Panel decided on balance that the leavepiece brought discredit upon the industry and a breach of Clause 2 was ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned both of the Panel's rulings.

Lilly alleged that a patient booklet promoted Victoza to the public. It included the brand name no less than eighty-nine times and included promotional messages and minimised the risk of hypoglycaemia. Similar allegations were made about a patient website.

The Panel was concerned that the front page of the patient booklet included the product logo plus the claim 'New' which implied that the content was promotional. This impression was compounded by the positive statement 'Making a fresh start with Victoza'. Such promotional branding combined with a claim should not be used in patient materials. In the Panel's view the front page was, in effect, an advertisement for a prescription only medicine to the public and a breach was ruled. This ruling was upheld on appeal by Novo Nordisk.

The Panel did not consider that it was unacceptable to refer to NovoFine and NovoTwist needles in relation to the section 'Prepare your pen' and no breach was ruled.

The Panel considered that to state in the patient booklet that the risk of hypoglycaemia was minimised with Victoza was not fair or balanced; it misled with regard to the safety of the product and a breach was ruled.

Page 8 stated 'You should inject Victoza only once a day, at any time of day, with or without eating food first. But it's best if you use Victoza at the same time every day – so pick a time you won't forget'. The Panel did not consider that this page of the booklet promoted Victoza to the public as alleged. The information was in line with the SPC and no breach was ruled.

The Panel did not consider that the statement on page 18 'Here are a few tips to help you fit Victoza into your life better' was a promotional claim. This section referred to the need to take medicine regularly in order to get the full benefits and referred readers to sources of help. The Panel didnot consider that the page advertised Victoza to the public. Readers would have been prescribed the product. The information was not unreasonable. The Panel ruled no breach.

The Panel noted its ruling of a breach in relation to the front page. However, the Panel did not consider that overall the booklet was promotional material that had been disguised as information to patients and ruled no breach. The Panel ruled that the use of the Victoza logo and the claim 'new' meant that high standards had not been maintained. The Panel did not consider that on balance the circumstances warranted a ruling of a breach of Clause 2.

With regard to the patient website the Panel noted the comments it had made about the patient booklet at issue above. The Panel noted that many of the webpages now at issue included the brand logo. The Panel considered that this was unacceptable and constituted the promotion of a prescription only medicine to the public. A breach was ruled. The Panel considered that in this regard high standards had not been maintained and a breach was ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned the Panel's rulings as it did not consider the webpages constituted the promotion of a prescription only medicine to the public and that high standards had not been maintained. The Panel did not consider that overall the webpages were promotional material that had been disguised as information to patients. No breach was ruled. On balance the Panel did not consider that the circumstances warranted a ruling of a breach of Clause 2.

With regard to a formulary pack, Lilly made similar allegations to some of the allegations made about other promotional materials to health professionals.

The Panel considered that the purpose of Section 1 of the formulary pack overall was, inter alia, to establish a need for the additional benefits which might be provided by Victoza and to state where current therapies failed. The challenge of body mass index (BMI) and weight was given equal emphasis to glycaemic control. The Panel considered that the section implied that Victoza would positively address all of the unmet challenges. The Panel noted its comments and rulings above on Victoza's effect on secondary benefits. Breaches were ruled.

The Panel considered that the description of the unmet challenges in type 2 diabetes treatment in Section 1.6 'Unmet challenges' and Section 1.8 'Conclusion' could imply that no product currently available met any one of these challenges. The Panel considered that this was misleading as the challenges and the differences between current treatments were not defined in detail. The section disparaged current treatments and the impression given was not capable of substantiation. Breaches were ruled.

The Panel noted that Victoza was described as 'the first once-daily human glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue developed for the treatment of T2D' in Section 1.7. The Panel noted, however, that although Victoza was the first once daily human GLP-1 analogue it was in fact the second GLP-1 analogue to be marketed. In that regard the Panel considered that the statement was ambiguous and thus misleading. It was unclear as to which part of the statement 'first' applied to. A breach was ruled which, on appeal by Novo Nordisk, was overturned by the Appeal Board.

The Panel ruled that high standards had not been maintained. The Panel did not consider that the circumstances warranted a ruling of a breach of Clause 2.

The Panel considered that in Section 2.1 the bullet point 'Liraglutide is administered once daily, and can be given at any time of day, independently of meals …' was similar to a claim at issue above in that the detailed advice in the SPC that '… it is preferable that Victoza is injected around the same time of day, when the most convenient time of day has been chosen' was not included. The Panel therefore ruled a breach which, on appeal by Novo Nordisk, was overturned by the Appeal Board.

The Panel noted that in Section 2.1 the second bullet point referred to Victoza's indication and the sixth bullet point referred to improvements in glycaemic control; this was immediately followed by another bullet point 'Significant weight loss in comparison with comparator drugs when liraglutide was used in combination treatment'. Section 2.4 'Indication and dosing' clearly set out the approved indication. The Panel noted that Section 2.5 'The LEAD Programme' ended with the sentence 'The clinical benefits of treatment with liraglutide observed with LEAD trials are reported here'. A section 2.5.1 'Liraglutide and glycaemic control' was immediately followed by Section 2.5.2 'Liraglutide and body weight'. Section 2.5.3 'Liraglutide and SBP' referred to reductions in BP. The Panel considered that although the approved indication was given almost at the outset of Section 2 ie glycaemic control, additional benefits of therapy (effect on body weight and BP) were given equal emphasis. They were not unequivocally distinguished from the main goal of therapy. In that regard the Panel did not consider that the secondary benefits were adequately placed within the context of Victoza licensed indication. A breach was ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned this ruling.

The Panel did not consider that Section 2.3 implied that only Victoza improved β-cell function as alleged and no breach was ruled. The Panel was concerned, however, that the discussion about β-cell function did not explain the clinical significance of the findings. Although Victoza hadbeen shown to improve â-cell function there was no data to show that this altered the clinical course of type 2 diabetes; some readers might assume that the data meant that Victoza delayed or halted its progression. In this regard the Panel considered that the information given was misleading and that its clinical importance had been exaggerated and breaches were ruled. The Panel did not consider that failure to specifically mention Byetta's effect on â-cell function in Section 2.3 of the formulary pack was in itself misleading and no breach was ruled. Section 2.5, 'The LEAD Programme', stated that Buse et al (LEAD 6) was the first study to directly compare the two GLP-1 receptor agonists and that the study compared 1.8mg liraglutide added to metformin and/or glimepiride vs 10mcg exenatide. The Panel did not consider that Section 2.5 was misleading as alleged. The limited information about Buse et al (LEAD 6) did not claim differences between the products, it merely listed this study as contributing to the clinical data. No breach was ruled.

The Panel noted that Section' 'Hypoglycaemia', went into more detail than Section 2.5 in relation to outcomes from Buse et al (LEAD 6). The Panel considered that more information should have been included – particularly with regard to the doses of Victoza and Byetta used and the fact that the study was open label. Insufficient detail had been provided and thus the claim regarding differences in hypoglycaemia was misleading. Breaches were ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned these rulings.

Section 'Adverse events' included details of the data for nausea from the LEAD studies. The Panel did not consider the claim that nausea persisted longer with exenatide than liraglutide implied that no patient experienced nausea at 26 weeks. A preceding sentence described it as one of the most frequently reported adverse events. No breach was ruled. The Panel did not consider that Section 2.6 would mislead readers to consider liraglutide as a licensed treatment for hypertension and obesity as alleged. No breach was ruled.

The Panel noted its rulings above and considered that high standards had not been maintained. A breach was ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned this ruling. The Panel did not consider that the circumstances warranted a ruling of a breach of Clause 2.

The Panel noted that Section 3.1 included the claims that liraglutide was 'cost-effective compared with glimepiride when added to metformin monotherapy and with rosiglitazone when added to glimepiride monotherapy. The basis for these calculations was given in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. The clinical inputs 'Change in HbA1c', 'Change in SBP' and 'Change in BMI' were listedin each table. Table 3.2 was based on a sub group of patients from Nauck et al (LEAD 2). The BMI data was not given in Nauck et al (LEAD 2). The Panel noted the comments it had made about Nauck et al (LEAD 2) when considering the journal advertisement.

The Panel considered that Tables 3.2 and 3.3 implied that the indications for Victoza included decreasing weight and SBP. This was not so. Section 3.1 of the formulary pack did not make the licensed indication clear nor the magnitude of the weight reduction and BP data. The material was incomplete thus misleading as alleged and breaches were ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned these rulings.

The Panel considered that, in the context of a health economic evaluation, Section 3.6 was not misleading with regard to the timing of administration of Victoza. The important consideration for an economic evaluation was the once-daily administration of Victoza and not that it had to be administered at about the same time each day. No breach was ruled.

 Section 3.6 stated that the cost of self monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) was added where necessary. It also stated that 'SMBG is not needed in order to adjust the dose of liraglutide. Therefore initiating liraglutide before a treatment that does require SMBG will have a favourable cost implication'. The Panel noted Lilly's view that the statement appeared to ignore the fact that when Victoza was started the majority of patients would already be on treatments that required SMBG. The section implied that liraglutide would be used prior to a sulphonylurea. The Panel considered that there might be a theoretical cost benefit but this was not made clear. A breach was ruled.

Section 3.8 'Number needed to treat one patient successfully to target' included results from a meta-analysis comparing patients treated to <7.0% HbA1c, <130mmHg SBP with no weight gain. The Panel noted that the composite endpoint had been made clear and was relevant to diabetic patients. The SPC included data for changes in weight and BP. The Panel considered that this section was not misleading with regard to the licensed indication as alleged. No breach was ruled.

The Panel noted its rulings above and considered that high standards had not been maintained. A breach was ruled. Upon appeal by Novo Nordisk the Appeal Board overturned this ruling. The Panel did not consider that the circumstances warranted a ruling of a breach of Clause 2.

At the completion of its consideration of this case, the Appeal Board was concerned about the presentation of the complaint. The Appeal Board deplored the way the complaint had beenconstructed with so many repetitive allegations. The response to the complaint could also have been better constructed; however some of the problems were as a direct result of the nature of the complaint. The time taken by the Panel and the Appeal Board to consider this case could have been substantially reduced if the complaint had been better presented.