AUTH/2205/2/09 - Public Health Registrar v Reckitt Benckiser

Insert on Gaviscon Advance

  • Received
    09 February 2009
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    23 April 2009
  • Breach Clause(s)
    6.3, 7.2, 9.10 and 12.1
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    Appeal by complainant
  • Review
    August 2009

Case Summary

A public health registrar, complained about a booklet entitled 'Reflux Disease – What Lies Beneath the Surface?' distributed with the BMJ. A sub-heading explained that the content was perspectives from a consensus meeting. The front cover stated that the booklet had been supported by an educational grant from Reckitt Benckiser and incorporated the company logo; the reader was directed to prescribing information for Gaviscon Advance on the back cover.

The complainant alleged that, for all intents and purposes, the material was an advertisement for Gaviscon Advance, which was why the prescribing information for it was included. Gaviscon Advance was presented favourably throughout. The supplement consisted of seven pages of advertising, not including the page of prescribing information. This was greater than the two pages of advertising allowed for a particular product in an issue of a journal. No details of the date and location were given for the 'consensus meeting' which this supplement purportedly described. Did this 'consensus meeting' truly take place? Or was it simply the editorial meeting for this advertisement? The listed faculty consisted of a gastroenterologist, a respiratory physician, a speech and language therapist, an ear nose and throat (ENT) surgeon and two GPs. The complainant alleged that if these individuals had met for a 'consensus meeting' it was, in effect, a ruse to obtain exemption from the Code.

The complainant alleged that there was no single generally accepted viewpoint on the issues covered in the supplement and that it was unbalanced in favour of Gaviscon Advance.

The complainant alleged that the supplement represented an extreme of format (because it used a font, colour scheme, page size and page layout that was almost identical to the BMJ with which it was circulated), an extreme of size (8 pages of A4 in sturdy card was excessive for one advertisement); and extreme of cost (the cost of distributing this number of full-colour pages amongst the tens of thousands of BMJ readers would have been extremely high).

The complainant alleged that the words, 'Supported by an educational grant from Reckitt Benckiser' were not sufficiently prominent; they appeared only once and were written in a relatively small and light font. Furthermore, the complainant alleged that this statement did not accurately reflect the nature of the company's involvement.

The complainant noted that given the similarity ofthe layout, font and style of the supplement to the BMJ, the words 'Advertising Feature' should have been printed prominently on every page in order to avoid misleading readers. The material was a disguised promotional material.

The Panel noted that the booklet essentially reported the output of a Reckitt Benckiser advisory board. The advisory board meeting and the resultant booklet had been facilitated by third parties. In the Panel's view, however, each of those parties was acting on behalf of Reckitt Benckiser and so the company was responsible, under the Code, for their actions.

 The Panel considered that Reckitt Benckiser was wholly responsible for the advisory board meeting and thus for any output from that meeting. There was no strictly arm's length arrangement. Reckitt Benckiser had acknowledged that reference to Gaviscon Advance had rendered the document at issue promotional in nature. The document contained three main sections: 'The Spectrum of Reflux Disease'; 'Differential Diagnoses of LPR [laryngopharyngeal reflux] and GORD [gastrooesophageal reflux disease]' and 'Evidence for the role of an alginate reflux suppressant in the treatment of LPR'. The third section detailed two clinical studies which had assessed the efficacy of Gaviscon Advance and also gave three case histories of patients who had benefitted from such therapy. The Panel noted Reckitt Benckiser's submission that the artworked document had been approved by its regulatory and medical team.

The Panel considered that the material at issue was not a supplement 'Supported by an educational grant from Reckitt Benckiser' (as stated on the front cover) but an advertisement for Gaviscon Advance. The Panel noted the supplementary information to the Code referred to inserts that might be regarded as promotional material for example reports of conference proceedings not being subject to the restrictions of the Code. The Panel did not consider that this applied in this case given that the material was, in effect, produced by Reckitt Benckiser following its advisory board meeting and the company had editorial control. The supplementary information did not give detailed guidance on the distinction between an advertisement and promotional material. Taking all the circumstances into account, the Panel decided that the material was, in effect, an eight page advertisement for Gaviscon Advance. It thus exceeded the two page limit allowed in any issue of a journal and a breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel did not consider that the statement'Supported by an educational grant from Reckitt Benckiser' accurately reflected the nature of the company's involvement. A breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel did not consider that the format and style of the insert was such that it would be confused with that of the BMJ. Nonetheless, the statement 'Supported by an educational grant …' disguised the promotional nature of the material. The sub-heading on the front cover 'Perspectives from a consensus meeting …' added to the misleading impression of an independent educational supplement as it was not stated that the meeting was a Reckitt Benckiser advisory board. The Panel considered that the insert was disguised promotion and a breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel did not consider that the insert was extreme in either its format or size. It was the same size as the BMJ page size and the copy provided by Reckitt Benckiser was not on sturdy card as submitted by the complainant. No breach of the Code was ruled which was upheld on appeal by the complainant.

The Panel noted that given its title, 'Reflux Disease – What Lies Beneath the Surface?', sub-heading 'Perspectives from a consensus meeting …' and list on the inside front cover of the faculty, the insert appeared to be an independent review of the therapy area. The introduction stated that the document would explain the difference between gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and laryngopharyngeal reflux and provide help to recognise their individual symptoms and advice on managing the two very different but related entities. There was, however, no advice on managing gastrooesophageal reflux disease although detailed advice was given about the management of laryngopharyngeal reflux. The insert was promotional material for Gaviscon Advance. The Panel considered that the insert was misleading in this regard and a breach of the Code was ruled.