AUTH/2157/8/08 - Practice Pharmacist v Sanofi-Aventis

Acomplia leavepiece

  • Received
    06 August 2008
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    22 September 2008
  • Breach Clause(s)
    7.2 (x3)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    November 2008

Case Summary

A practice pharmacist complained about a four page leavepiece 'Nice news for Norman' promoting Acomplia (rimonabant) left by a Sanofi-Aventis representative.

The complainant alleged that the front and back covers of the leavepiece implied that Acomplia was the treatment recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for overweight type 2 diabetics. Inside, the leavepiece stated its use for those unable to take orlistat or sibutramine but not on the outside. However NICE only recommended it for patients intolerant to, or who had inadequately responded to, orlistat or sibutramine ie third line.

The leavepiece also stated NICE 'recommends patients should continue beyond 2 years only after clinical review' whereas NICE guidance stated 'rimonabant should not be continued for longer than 2 years without a formal clinical assessment and discussion of the individual risks and benefits with the person receiving the treatment'. The leavepiece implied its virtues as an antidiabetic medicine in that it would reduce HbA1c.

The complainant alleged that the leavepiece was misleading as the bottom line appeared to be that Acomplia was first line for overweight type 2 diabetics as well as being antidiabetic.

The detailed response from Sanofi-Aventis is given below.

The Panel noted that the front and back pages stated 'NICE approves Acomplia for overweight patients (BMI>27kg/m2) with type 2 diabetes. The NICE guidance stated '[Acomplia], within its licensed indications, is recommended as an adjunct to diet and exercise for adults who are obese [BMI>30kg/m2] or overweight [BMI>27kg/m2] and who have had an inadequate response to, are intolerant of or are contraindicated to orlistat and sibutramine'. The Panel thus considered that the claim summarising the NICE guidance was misleading; it implied that NICE had approved the use of Acomplia in any type 2 diabetic who had a BMI of more than 27kg/m2 which was not so. A breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel noted that after accurately reflecting NICE guidance regarding Acomplia treatment at 6 months page 2 of the leavepiece stated 'NICE recommends that patients should continue beyond 2 years only after clinical review'. The NICE guidance stated '[Acomplia] treatment should not be continued for longer than 2 years without a formal clinical assessment and discussion of theindividual risks and benefits with the person receiving treatment'. In the Panel's view, the subtle change of wording changed the meaning and emphasis of the original guidance. The Panel considered that this was not an accurate reflection of the NICE guidance. A breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel noted that Acomplia was indicated 'As an adjunct to diet and exercise for the treatment of obese patients (BMI≥ 30kg/m2), or overweight patients (BMI≥ 27kg/m2) with associated risk factor(s), such as type 2 diabetes or dyslipidaemia'. Section 5.1 of the summary of product characteristics (SPC) referred to Acomplia's beneficial effects in lowering HbA1c stating that it was estimated that approximately half of the mean improvement in HbA1c was beyond that expected from weight loss alone.

The Panel considered that it was not necessarily unacceptable to promote the benefits of treatment as long as these were clearly expressed within the context of the product's licensed indication. The Panel noted that claims for Acomplia and its effect on HbA1c appeared on page 3 of the leavepiece beneath the heading 'Weight loss, with glycaemic control'. In that regard the Panel considered that equal emphasis had been given to weight loss, the licensed indication, and glycaemic control, the benefit of therapy. The Panel considered that glycaemic control had not been placed sufficiently within the context of weight loss and thus the leavepiece was misleading in that regard. A breach of the Code was ruled.