AUTH/2141/7/08 - Novo Nordisk v Sanofi-Aventis

Promotion of Lantus

  • Received
    14 July 2008
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    28 October 2008
  • Breach Clause(s)
    7.2 and 9.1
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    Appeal by respondent
  • Review
    November 2008

Case Summary

Novo Nordisk complained about the promotion of Lantus (insulin glargine) by Sanofi-Aventis. The materials at issue were: four leavepieces and a mailer. Novo Nordisk marketed Levemir (insulin determir).

A '24 hour efficacy' claim appeared as part of the Lantus product logo in one of the leavepieces and as a discreet claim 'Once daily – provides 24-hour efficacy' in all of the other materials.

Novo Nordisk was concerned about the substantiation of this claim and noted the Appeal Board ruling in Case AUTH/2028/7/07 which stated that results from a clamp study (Lepore et al 2000) could not substantiate the efficacy of insulin in terms of glycaemic control. This was also true for other comparable clamp trials (Porcellati et al 2007a and Porcellati et al 2007b) provided by Sanofi- Aventis to substantiate this claim. Novo Nordisk agreed with Sanofi-Aventis that the efficacy of a medicine was its capacity to produce a desired effect. However, it strongly disagreed with the argument that the lack of qualification of this term (ie efficacy) made it capable of substantiation by results from clamp trials. In fact the desired effect of an insulin was to provide proper glycaemic control by reducing blood glucose levels in patients. The undertaking in Case AUTH/2028/7/07 clearly prohibited the use of the claim '24-hour control' or similar. Thus Novo Nordisk believed that the claim of '24-hour efficacy' was in breach of the Code.

In relation to the same claim used alongside a graph from Porcellati et al (2007b), Novo Nordisk was concerned that Sanofi-Aventis had cherrypicked the only clamp trial which revealed a significant difference in terms of duration of action between Lantus and Levemir. Other data, of which details were given, had been overlooked. Novo Nordisk alleged that the claim, based on a comparison from a single trial which provided contradictory results, whilst disregarding all other published evidence, misled health professionals and disparaged Levemir.

The detailed response from Sanofi-Aventis is given below.

The Panel noted that in Case AUTH/2028/7/07 claims for '24-hour control' or '24-hour glycaemic control' for Lantus had been considered to not be capable of substantiation and exaggerated and misleading in that regard by the Appeal Board. Breaches of the Code had been ruled.

In Case AUTH/2028/7/07 the data submitted insupport of the claims had demonstrated the 24- hour duration of action of Lantus, not its efficacy in terms of glycaemic control. In the Appeal Board's view, control, in the context of diabetes, referred to glycaemic control ie the maintenance of blood glucose between set parameters. The Appeal Board noted that Lantus was a basal insulin designed to provide a background, constant suppression of blood glucose. Sanofi-Aventis had submitted that no type 1 diabetic would be controlled solely on Lantus and only about half of type 2 diabetics would be controlled on a combination of Lantus and oral agents. Most diabetics would thus not be 'controlled' with Lantus and would require shortacting insulin to cope with post prandial glucose peaks.

The Panel noted that the claim now at issue was '24-hour efficacy'. In the Panel's view the claim would be read by prescribers in the context of a basal insulin. Prescribers would take it to mean that Lantus provided a constant suppression of blood glucose over 24-hours ie that it had a 24-hour duration of action.

The Panel noted that the claim 'once daily – provides 24-hour efficacy' appeared in two leavepieces immediately under the prominent headline 'Lantus – control without compromise for your diabetes patients'. In that context the Panel considered that '24-hour efficacy' implied '24-hour control' and was thus in breach of the undertaking given in Case AUTH/2028/7/07. A breach of the Code was ruled. This ruling was appealed by Sanofi-Aventis.

The Panel considered that an undertaking was an important document. It included an assurance that that all possible steps would be taken to avoid similar breaches of the Code in future. It was very important for the reputation of the industry that companies complied with undertakings. In breaching its undertaking the Panel considered that Sanofi-Aventis had not maintained high standards and had brought discredit upon, and reduced confidence in the industry. Breaches of the Code were ruled including Clause 2. These rulings were appealed by Sanofi-Aventis.

The Appeal Board noted that the intended audience for the two leavepieces were diabetes nurse specialists, diabetologists and GPs with an interest in diabetes. The Appeal Board considered that although the claim 'Once-daily – provides 24-hour efficacy' appeared below the claims 'Lantus-control without compromise for your diabetes patients', given the audience it would not be taken to imply '24-hour-control' but a claim for duration of action.

The Appeal Board had some concerns about the claim and its context but on balance decided that Sanofi-Aventis had not breached its undertaking given in Case AUTH/2028/7/07. The Appeal Board ruled no breaches of the Code including Clause 2.

In one leavepiece, the claim '24-hour efficacy' was used as part of the Lantus product logo. Although page 2 of the leavepiece included the claim 'Lantus can enable people to improve their glycaemic control', the Panel did not consider that in the context in which it appeared, '24-hour efficacy' implied '24-hour control' as in the leavepieces considered above. In another leavepiece the claim 'once daily – provides 24-hour efficacy' appeared beneath the claim 'Lantus – established efficacy ….' and in the mailer the claim '24-hour efficacy' appeared as a headline claim above data relating to duration of action. The Panel noted its comments above regarding a prescriber's expectation of Lantus and the view that would be taken of the claim '24-hour efficacy' in the context of a basal insulin. The Panel considered that there was data to show that Lantus had a 24-hour duration of action; section 5.1 of the SPC included a graph which showed that the activity profile of Lantus was smooth, peakless and almost constant between 9 and 24-hours in type 1 diabetics. The Panel considered that in the context in which it appeared in two of the leavepieces and the mailing, the claim '24-hour efficacy' could be substantiated and no breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel noted that the leavepiece and the mailing both featured a graph depicting plasma glucose levels over time with Lantus and Levemir (Porcellati 2007b). The graph of results generated after two weeks of treatment and showed that in type 1 diabetics Lantus suppressed plasma glucose for 24-hour post injection whereas blood glucose levels started to rise in the Levemir group 15 hours post dose.

The Panel noted that Heise and Pieber (2007) had reported that in the clinically relevant range of 0.35- 0.8U/kg the duration of action for Lantus and Levemir was close to 24 hours in type 1 diabetes. Heise and Pieber had further commented that the data from Porcelatti was an outlier. Given data from Plank et al (2005), and the comments from Heise and Pieber, the Panel considered that the graph at issue did not represent the balance of evidence with regard to the duration of action of Levemir in type 1 diabetes. Furthermore, the graph implied a duration of action of only 15 hours ie when plasma glucose levels began to rise whereas the authors themselves reported the duration of action to be 17.5 hours. The graph did not include a threshold blood glucose level beyond which the insulin could be regarded as no longer acting. The Panel considered that the graph was misleading and a breach of the Code was ruled. The Panel further considered that the graph disparaged Levemir and a breach of the Code was ruled. These rulings were appealed by Sanofi-Aventis. Although noting its rulings above the Panel did not considerthat high standards had not been maintained. No breach of the Code was ruled.

The Appeal Board considered that the results depicted in the graph at issue were not inconsistent with the products' SPCs. Lantus should be administered once daily. The recommended initiation of Levemir in combination with oral antidiabetic agents was once daily. When Levemir was used as part of a basal-bolus regimen it should be administered once or twice daily based on individual patient needs. The Appeal Board noted that the balance of evidence showed that Lantus suppressed plasma glucose for a longer period of time than Levemir.

The Appeal Board did not consider that the graph was either misleading or that it disparaged Levemir. No breach of the Code was ruled.

Novo Nordisk noted that the claim 'In clinical practice, after switching from other treatments, Lantus is associated with a lower risk of hypoglycaemia compared to insulin detemir' appeared in one of the leavepieces and in the mailer.

Novo Nordisk noted that the claim was substantiated by findings from a retrospective GP database analysis (Currie et al 2007). The authors compared the reported hypoglycaemic event rate prior to and following initiation of basal Lantus and Levemir (a secondary endpoint of the analysis) and concluded that the risk reduction in hypoglycaemia was significantly greater with Lantus. However, there were some limitations of this analysis which needed to be considered to decide whether the claim, substantiated by this paper, was misleading or not. The authors compared the clinical outcomes of 5,683 patients using Lantus with outcomes of only 694 patients using Levemir. The huge difference in patient numbers obviously reflected the more established clinical experience of using Lantus at that time, ie prescribers were more familiar with its use. Therefore the analysis was biased in favour of Lantus.

Although Currie et al analysed the primary endpoint of HbA1c change, and the secondary endpoint of weight change separately in type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients, they failed to follow this fair and highly relevant approach with regard to hypoglycaemia. Further, they failed to differentiate between major and minor hypoglycaemic episodes or episodes that occurred during the day or at night. This lack of clarification raised the question of whether this analysis provided clinicians with any useful findings regarding hypoglycaemia. Defining the types of hypoglycaemic events would be crucial in order to make clinically relevant conclusions from this analysis.

It was well know that hypoglycaemic risk was markedly different in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Major and minor hypoglycaemic events were more common in type 1 diabetes than in type 2. Therewas also agreement in the literature that there was a higher incidence of hypoglycaemic episodes in patients with a more advanced stage of type 2 diabetes ie those requiring more intensive antihyperglycaemic therapy (Cryer et al and Zammitt and Frier).

These differences in hypoglycaemic risk could be partially explained by the use of different insulin regimens. Whilst type 1 diabetics almost exclusively used a basal-bolus regimen, in type 2 diabetes basal insulins could be used as part of basal-oral or basal-bolus regimens. Since basalbolus therapy was a much more aggressive approach to control blood glucose levels, and was usually applied at a considerably more severe stage of type 2 diabetes, it was connected with a significantly higher hypoglycaemic event rate than a basal-oral regimen.

One might reasonably assume that in the case of type 1 diabetes, the only flaw in Currie et al was the above mentioned 'familiarity' effect in terms of Lantus, since both preparations were used as part of a basal-bolus regimen. However in type 2 diabetes it had to be presumed that apart from this effect there was at least one more bias in favour of Lantus. Whilst it was not clear from the published paper, it was reasonable to assume that many more patients in the Lantus group would have been treated with basal-oral treatment. In the Levemir group the vast majority of the patients would have been treated with a basal-bolus regimen. This was because Lantus had a licence for both basal-oral and basal-bolus use, whilst Levemir only had a licence for basal-bolus use during the analysed period.

Therefore to compare the hypoglycaemic rate reduction without taking into account the type of diabetes and the insulin regimen for those with type 2 diabetes was misleading. In addition, the fact that information on the use of bolus insulin, readily available from the THIN database, had been clearly overlooked and not taken into account in this analysis was disappointing. The authors simply chose to compare the hypoglycaemic risk reduction in the combined cohort of type 1 and type 2 patients and failed to make any distinction between basal-oral users and basal-bolus users in the type 2 cohort.

The claim at issue was purely based on the results from this flawed analysis. Relevant data from published randomized clinical trials detailed by Novo Nordisk had been overlooked.

Novo Nordisk believed that Sanofi-Aventis had again cherry-picked the results from a retrospective database analysis, which was severely flawed in terms of hypoglycaemic risk analysis, to substantiate the claim. The company had clearly disregarded all the other published evidence which had revealed completely different results. Therefore the claim was inaccurate, unbalanced, unfair, and ambiguous, it was not based on an up-to-dateevaluation of all available evidence and disparaged Levemir.

The Panel noted that one leavepiece was specifically about the use of Lantus in type 2 diabetics. The final page featured the claim at issue referenced to Currie et al a study which had demonstrated that in a pooled cohort of type 1 and type 2 diabetics, patients switched to Lantus had a lower relative risk of hypoglycaemia than those switched to Levemir. Given the specificity of the leavepiece, however, the Panel considered that a claim based on pooled data from type 1 and type 2 diabetics was misleading. A breach of the Code was ruled. The Panel did not consider that the claim disparaged Levemir and so no breach of the Code was ruled. The Panel noted that use of Currie et al and the need to ensure that readers understood that the hypoglycaemia data was from a pooled cohort of patients had been at issue in Case AUTH/2038/8/07. The Panel considered that to again use the pooled data in a way that was misleading meant that high standards had not been maintained. A breach of the Code was ruled. This ruling was upheld by the Appeal Board on appeal by Sanofi-Aventis.

The mailing, 'Why choose Lantus' was not specific as to the type of diabetic patients at issue – the mailing referred to both type 1 and type 2 patients. As in the leavepiece above the claim at issue had been derived from Currie et al. The Panel noted that the data was generated when the licence for Levemir did not include management of type 2 diabetes except as part of a basal-bolus regimen. Levemir could now be used as part of a basal-oral regimen and so patients who were less prone to hypoglycaemic attacks could be treated. The pooled cohort of type 1 and type 2 diabetics included in Currie et al was thus likely to be different to the mixed group of diabetics that a prescriber might now treat with either Lantus or Levemir and so on that basis the Panel considered that the claim at issue was misleading. A breach of the Code was ruled. This ruling was appealed by Sanofi-Aventis. Although noting this ruling the Panel did not consider that high standards had not been maintained nor that the claim disparaged Levemir. No breach of the Code was ruled.

The Appeal Board noted the mailing, referred to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. As in the leavepiece above the claim at issue had been derived from Currie et al. In this instance, however, the Appeal Board considered that as the mailing had referred to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the claim based on pooled data from type 1 and 2 patients was not misleading. The Appeal Board ruled no breach of the Code.