AUTH/2139/7/08 - Consultant Rheumatologist v Roche

Meeting at the Royal College of Physicians

  • Received
    08 July 2008
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    25 September 2008
  • No breach Clause(s)
    2, 7.2, 9.1 and 19 of the 2006 Code & the 2008 Constitution and Procedure.
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    November 2008

Case Summary

A consultant rheumatologist complained about a meeting broadcast on the Internet from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) on 19 June, which had been sponsored by Roche.

The complainant had not had a satisfactory reply from the RCP to her enquiries about Roche's role in sponsoring the meeting which in essence was about what to do with patients with inflammatory arthritis who had failed anti-TNF therapy. The options presented were switching to abatacept or to rituximab (Roche's product MabThera). Since abatacept had not been approved by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), it was effectively unavailable in the UK, hence the speakers were only promoting the use of rituximab. The complainant submitted that the speakers were paid by the RCP but she had not had an answer to emails about payment to the RCP by Roche. The complainant did not know whether the company's involvement was appropriate; it was declared, but the complainant did not think that the RCP should be effectively promote a medicine in which it had a financial interest when there were other clinical options, not mentioned at the meeting, such as changing or switching medicines for these patients.

The detailed response from Roche is given below.

The Panel noted that it was acceptable for companies to sponsor material. It had previously been decided, in relation to material aimed at health professionals, that the content would be subject to the Code if it was promotional in nature or if the company had used the material for a promotional purpose. Even if neither of these applied, the company would be liable if it had been able to influence the content of the material in a manner favourable to its own interests. It was possible for a company to sponsor material which mentioned its own products and not be liable under the Code for its contents, but only if it had been a strictly arm's length arrangement with no input by the company and no use by the company of the material for promotional purposes.

The Panel noted that Roche's representatives had promoted the webcast by the use of flyers which incorporated the logos of the RCP and Roche on the front cover together with the statement 'Sponsored by an educational grant from Roche Products Limited'. A briefing note instructed representatives to encourage as many customers as possible to log on 'live' or to view the archived event over the next 12 months. In the Panel's view, the use of representatives to distribute flyers brought the webcast within the scope of the Code.

The Panel noted that Roche's sponsorship of the webcast was obvious at the outset on both the flyer and the webcast. It appeared that the complainant was more concerned about the role of the RCP. The agreement regarding the live webcast stated that Roche could suggest topics and speakers but final approval of the programme rested with the RCP. The agreement required that Roche must not contact the speakers or discuss the programme with them prior to or during the event. The speakers were responsible for exercising full control over the lectures and discussions and any content therein. Roche could have no involvement in that process.

The Panel had some concerns about the webcast. Clearly the topic 'Identifying and Managing Anti- TNF Inadequate Responders in RA' was relevant to MabThera as that was a possible alternative treatment choice for such inadequate responders. The speakers would presumably know which company had sponsored the webcast. The presentation on 'Managing anti-TNF inadequate responders' had included favourable statements about rituximab. Other medicines such as infliximab, etenercept and abatacept were also referred to. In theory products could be used irrespective of approval by NICE. In summing up the Chairman had specifically referred to rituximab. Nonetheless the Panel did not consider that the sponsorship arrangements were unreasonable; the RCP had the final approval of the programme and speakers. The Panel did not consider that Roche's involvement was inappropriate as alleged. The webcast was clearly sponsored by Roche and so was not misleading in that regard. No breach of the Code was ruled.