AUTH/2054/10/07- Anonymous representative v Sanofi-Aventis

Call frequency

  • Received
    01 October 2007
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    24 October 2007
  • No breach Clause(s)
    2, 9.1, 15.4
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    Published in the February 2008 Review

Case Summary

An anonymous telephone caller alleged that Sanofi- Aventis was asking its representatives to breach the Code by making their bonus dependant upon them seeing key customers 9-12 times.

The Panel noted that the representatives' briefing material and training slides clearly detailed the requirements of the Code and its supplementary information with regard to call rates ie that the number of calls made by a representative each year should not normally exceed three on average. This did not include attendance at group meetings, including audiovisual presentations, a visit requested by a doctor or other prescribers, a call made in response to a specific enquiry or a visit to follow up a report of an adverse reaction. The Panel thus noted that although a representative might call on a doctor or prescriber three times a year the number of contacts with that health professional in the year might be more than that.

The representatives' briefing material about their incentive scheme referred to activity payments which were based on cumulative targeted activity over a 12 month period. All contacts, face-to-face and all types of meeting contributed to this element. Each time activity payments were referred to representatives were reminded of the requirements of the Code.

A presentation about the incentive scheme contained a slide specifically noting the requirements of the Code with regard to call rates. The slides about targeted activity payments stated that the targets cited referred to all contacts, by the entire team for a specific customer; they were not individual target call rates. On the basis of the material before it the Panel considered that there was no evidence to show that Sanofi-Aventis had set its representatives contact target call rates outwith the requirements of the Code. No breach of the Code was ruled.