AUTH/2039/8/07 and AUTH/2040/8/07 - Medicines management PCT v Biogen Idec and Elan

Promotion of Tysabri

  • Received
    24 August 2007
  • Case number
    AUTH/2039/8/07 and AUTH/2040/8/07
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    22 October 2007
  • Breach Clause(s)
    7.2 and 7.4
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    Published in the November 2007 Review

Case Summary

The medicines management programme director at a primary care trust complained about a letter promoting Tysabri (natalizumab) sent by Biogen Idec. Elan Pharma International held the marketing authorization for Tysabri and the letter included Biogen's and Elan's logos on the reverse. The complaint was taken up with both companies.

The letter, headed 'Tysabri is now recommended by The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence] NICE', stated that the product had received a positive final appraisal determination from NICE. The complainant noted that whilst it was very likely that the NICE final appraisal determination would be the guidance to be issued for the NHS, this was not necessarily so. The medicine was not actually recommended for the NHS until the technology appraisal had been issued. The complainant alleged that the heading 'Tysabri is now recommended by NICE' was untrue, misleading and should be withdrawn.

The Panel considered that the heading implied that the recommendation from NICE was final which, when the letter was sent out (14 August), was not so. NICE published the relevant technology appraisal guidance eight days later (22 August). Although the first paragraph of the letter explained that Tysabri had recently received a positive final appraisal determination this did not, in the Panel's view, negate the otherwise false impression of finality given by the heading. In any event the Panel queried how many recipients would appreciate the status of a final appraisal determination.

The Panel considered that when the letter was sent the heading was untrue and misleading as alleged. Breaches of the Code were ruled.