AUTH/1925/12/06 - Novartis v ApoPharma

Breach of undertaking in Case AUTH/1822/4/06.

  • Received
    30 November 2006
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    18 April 2007
  • Breach Clause(s)
    2, 7.2, 9.1 and 22
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    Appeal by respondent
  • Review
    Published in the August 2007 Review

Case Summary

Novartis alleged that a promotional piece for Ferriprox (deferiprone) was clearly in breach of the undertaking given in Case AUTH/1822/4/06. Novartis further alleged that a claim about survival data was unsubstantiated. As the complaint involved an alleged breach of undertaking the matter was taken up with ApoPharma by the Director as it was the Authority’s responsibility to ensure compliance with undertakings. Novartis supplied Desferal (desferoxamine).

Novartis noted that an animated Ferriprox banner advertisement which appeared as a link on the website of the British Journal of Haematology, contained the claim ‘New Cardioprotection and Survival Data Now Available’. The statement ‘For reference or prescribing information please click here’ linked to another website ‘’ and the landing page was headed with the claim ‘Life is Getting Longer … in thalassaemia major patients’.

There was a link to a summary of product characteristics and a link marked ‘for information on Ferriprox and cardioprotection, please click here’.

When this link was followed, it took the reader to the Pub Med listing for the abstract of Borgna-Pignatti et al (2006).

Novartis alleged that the claim ‘Life is Getting Longer … in thalassaemia major patients’ found in breach recently was a hanging comparison. As this was previously found to be in breach for exactly the same reasons it also represented a breach of undertaking.

Secondly, Borgna-Pignatti et al did not provide survival data of any form that could support this claim. The paper discussed cardiac events but there was no analysis of survival. This represented a failure to substantiate a claim and also, by directing the reader to this paper, it was also a misrepresentation of data.

The Panel noted that in Case AUTH/1822/4/06 a Ferriprox banner advertisement, in the electronic version of the British Journal of Haematology, which claimed that ‘Life is Getting Longer’ was ruled in breach of the Code because it was a hanging comparison. In error, as acknowledged by ApoPharma, the claim had been used again and in breach of the undertaking given in Case AUTH/1822/4/06. The Panel ruled breaches of the Code. The Panel further considered that ApoPharma, by not doing all that it could have done to comply with its undertaking had brought discredit upon, and reduced confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry.

A breach of Clause 2 was ruled.

The Panel noted that the banner advertisement on the British Journal of Haematology website stated ‘New Cardioprotection and Survival Data Now Available’. The data available was Borgna-Pignatti et al, an epidemiological, natural history study conducted in Italy which compared cardiac morbidity and mortality in deferoxamine- or deferiprone-treated patients with thalassemia major.

The authors reported that deferiprone therapy was associated with significantly greater cardioprotection than desferoxamine. The authors, however, noted that the study was not randomized and so treatment groups might not have been comparable. Further, there might have been a bias against deferiprone because in the early stages of the 9 year study it was experimental and given to patients with a higher body iron load. Conversely, because deferiprone was not licensed in Italy until mid-way through the trial, some doctors might have been reluctant to prescribe it for their sicker patients thus introducing a bias in favour of the medicine.

The authors commented that neither consideration appeared to have strongly biased the results. The authors further noted that the study had potential for length bias in that in order to have received deferiprone, patients would have had to survive long enough to receive it. Thus the sickest patients, possibly, who had cardiac events, were those who did not have the opportunity to receive deferiprone, and the observations on deferiprone might not have been long enough for cardiac events to occur. There were two deaths reported in the deferiprone group (1.3%) compared with 24 in the desferoxamine group (6.7%). Of the 24 deaths in the desferoxamine group, 15 were cardiac related; neither death in the deferiprone group was cardiac related. The authors calculated a hazard ratio of 0.38 (CI 0.9, 1.6) of death on deferiprone but given the small number of events the study did not have sufficient power to test this question.

The Panel considered that the claim ‘New Cardioprotection and Survival Data Now Available’ implied that there was positive data in this regard.

The Panel considered that, in view of the limitations noted by Borgna-Pignatti et al, such a claim was too strong and could not be substantiated. A breach of the Code was ruled.

Upon appeal by ApoPharma the Appeal Board noted that the claim appeared as a banner on a specialist website – ie the website of the British Journal of Haematology. By clicking on the banner the reader was taken to Borgna-Pignatti et al as cited on Pub Med. The Appeal Board considered that, as presented, the claim ‘New Cardioprotection and Survival Data Now Available’ was a statement of fact and not a claim for positive data for Ferriprox in this regard. No breach of the Code was ruled.