AUTH/1913/11/06 - Doctor v Astellas

Representative call rates

  • Received
    05 November 2006
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    23 January 2007
  • Breach Clause(s)
    15.4 and 15.9
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    Published in the May 2007 Review

Case Summary

A doctor queried whether Astellas Pharma was in breach of the Code by asking its representatives to see dermatology consultants four times between mid October and Christmas. The complainant considered such conduct was close to harassment.

The Panel noted that the supplementary information to the Code stated that the number of calls made on a doctor or other prescriber each year should normally not exceed three on average excluding attendance at group meetings and the like, a visit requested by the doctor or other prescriber or a visit to follow up a report of an adverse reaction. Thus although a representative might proactively call on a doctor or other prescriber three times in a year, the number of contacts with that health professional in the year might be more. In the Panel’s view briefing material should clearly distinguish between expected call rates and expected contact rates.

The briefing document, given to representatives in October 2006, stated ‘Your objective is to see your Senior Grade Dermatologists 4 times by December 31 2006’. There was no explanation that, as submitted by Astellas, this was meant to be the number of contacts for the whole year, not just the period October to December. The Panel considered that without further explanation the briefing document advocated a course of action which was likely to breach the Code.

A breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel took the complaint as evidence that overcalling had actually occurred and in that regard noted that the complainant had referred to harassment. A further breach was ruled.