AUTH/1870/7/06 - Amgen v Roche

Promotion of NeoRecormon

  • Received
    26 July 2006
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    03 December 2006
  • Breach Clause(s)
    four of 7.2 plus 7.3 and 7.4
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal
  • Review
    Published in the February 2007 Review

Case Summary

Amgen complained about an exhibition panel, a brochure and slides which Roche had used to promote NeoRecormon (epoetin beta) at the European Dialysis and Transplant Association Congress in July 2006. The materials at issue referred to a poster presentation, Goldsmith et al (2005).

Amgen supplied Aranesp (darbepoetin alfa).

The claim ‘In a retrospective study, a 24% dose reduction has been demonstrated with NeoRecormon SC compared with darbepoetin alpha SC’ appeared on the exhibition panel.

Dose reduction claims were also referred to in a slide which featured a bar chart headed ‘Route of Administration Dose Saving with Epoetin ß SC vs IV’ and depicted the percentage dose saving of subcutaneous (SC) vs intravenous (IV) administration as 33% at 7-12 months and 19% at 1-6 months.

Amgen alleged that the claim that ‘a 24% dose reduction has been demonstrated with NeoRecormon SC compared with darbepoetin alfa SC’ did not represent the available data and was neither fair nor balanced. Goldsmith et al was not a prospective head-to-head-study, it was a retrospective analysis that had not been peer reviewed nor had it subsequently been published in a peer-review journal.

Imbalances between patient groups could not be excluded as this was not a randomised study, distribution of brands between countries differed and the study design did not ensure similar evaluation periods.

In contrast Amgen submitted that Tolman et al (2005) was a well designed, prospective, randomised study which evaluated the doses of NeoRecormon and Aranesp needed to maintain stable haemoglobin. 162 unselected haemodialysis patients were converted from thrice-weekly SC NeoRecormon to a weekly administration of Aranesp (n=81) or NeoRecormon (n=81). After 9 months, the difference in haemoglobin level and dose between the two treatment arms was measured. The study showed that to maintain haemoglobin levels, a significantly higher dose of NeoRecormon than Aranesp was required (p<0.001). The mean dose of NeoRecormon was 44% higher than the dose of Aranesp at the end of the study. These results clearly contradicted Goldsmith et al.

The Panel noted that the exhibition panel was headed ‘NeoRecormon’, followed by ‘Energy to make a difference.

NeoRecormon SC is a cost efficient option for treatment of anaemia’. The claim at issue ‘In a retrospective study, a 24% dose reduction has been demonstrated with NeoRecormon SC compared with darbepoetin alfa SC’, was referenced to the Revised European Best Practice Guidelines 2004 (EBPG) and appeared as a bullet point immediately above a table, referenced to Goldsmith et al, which compared the mean weekly IV and SC doses of NeoRecormon and darbepoetin alfa.

The Panel noted that Goldsmith et al was a retrospective analysis which assessed anaemia management and current treatment practices with erythropoietins in patients on haemodialysis with particular emphasis on the impact that different erythropoietins and their routes of administration had on haemoglobin (Hb) control. Mean Hb levels were similar between the three cohorts: NeoRecormon, darbepoetin alfa and epoetin alfa. Hb control was defined as the proportion of Hb values within the target range of 10-12g/dl. Mean weekly SC doses for darbepoetin alfa and for epoetin beta were 10,210 IU and 7,890 IU respectively. A 24% dose reduction was possible with SC epoetin beta vs SC darbepoetin alfa.

Tolman et al was an open label, prospective, randomized, 9 month study which compared the clinical effectiveness of SC weekly NeoRecormon and darbepoetin alfa on conversion from thrice weekly SC NeoRecormon. There was no control group. Patients were managed according to their Hb levels. Over the course of the study maintenance of Hb levels was associated with a need to increase NeoRecormon doses whilst darbepoetin alfa doses fell. The Hb target range was 11-12g/dl. The mean weekly epoetin beta dose at 9 months was 44% higher than the mean darbepoetin alfa dose (133 IU/kg vs 92 IU/kg). The authors noted that they had failed to observe complete dose and Hb stabilization in both arms until at least week 28 after conversion.

The Panel noted that Roche had referred to a number of other studies which it considered supported its claim eg Locatelli et al (2003), Locatelli et al (2001) and Vanrenterghem et al. Although these studies showed that lower doses of SC epoetin beta were required than SC darbepoetin the differences between the two were less than the 24% reported by Goldsmith et al and ranged from 12.3% to 16.4%. Locatelli et al (2003) reported that the dose increase seen in patients on darbepoetin appeared to be due to the fact that they had been sub-optimally controlled whilst on SC epoetin. The studies all differed in the Hb targets which they set.

Overall the Panel considered that the data was such that the claim at issue was an oversimplification of the situation and thus did not represent the balance of the evidence. The claim was misleading as alleged. A breach of the Code was ruled.

The Panel noted that the slide depicting the bar chart entitled ‘Route of Administration Dose Saving with Epoetin ß SC vs IV’ was referenced to data on file and made no comparison with darbepoetin alfa.

The subsequent bar chart compared the achievement of Hb target range of all erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESAs). The Panel did not know how the slide was presented at the symposium. On the evidence before it the Panel did not consider the slide constituted a misleading comparison with darbepoetin alfa and thus on this narrow point considered that it was not misleading as alleged.

The slide was also reproduced in the brochure alongside the abstract entitled ‘Hb Control: Current Clinical Practice’. The Panel did not consider that it invited a comparison with darbepoetin alfa as alleged and on this narrow point no breach of the Code was ruled.

With regard to target haemoglobin levels Amgen noted that a Roche exhibition panel headed ‘NeoRecormon achieves Hb stability in practice’ featured the claims ‘In a retrospective study (n=1098) NeoRecormon SC controls Hb levels within a 1012g/dl range in 75% of haemodialysis patients’ and ‘Significantly more haemodialysis patients treated with NeoRecormon achieve constant Hb control within a 10-12g/dl range compared with darbepoetin alfa’. The claims were referenced to Goldsmith et al.

Furthermore, in connection with a Roche sponsored satellite symposium entitled ‘Anaemia Management : from Targets to Reality’, Roche distributed a brochure which included a bar chart based on Goldsmith et al. The bar chart was headed ‘Staying Within Hb Target Range. Are all ESAs Equal’ which Amgen stated purportedly showed that Aranesp enabled fewer patients to reach the Hb target range of 10-12g/dl than NeoRecormon.

Amgen alleged that Roche’s claims were misleading in their treatment of target haemoglobin levels.

Specifically, the target haemoglobin level (10-12g/dl) used in Goldsmith et al did not have real clinical relevance and was inconsistent with the EBPG recommendation that, in general, patients with chronic kidney disease should maintain a target haemoglobin concentration of > 11g/dl. ESAs should be given to all chronic kidney disease patients with haemoglobin levels consistently < 11g/dl where all other causes of anaemia had been excluded.

Also in the brochure, a haemoglobin level of ≥ 11g/dl was said to be ‘recommended’. Applying the EBPG, it could be seen, even with Goldsmith at al, that more patients achieved the target level with Aranesp than with NeoRecormon: 58% of Aranesp patients reached Hb > 11g/dl, whereas only 46% of NeoRecormon patients achieved such levels.

The failure to draw readers’ attention either in the exhibition panel or the brochure to the fact that Goldsmith et al was not consistent with the EBPG was alleged to be a distortion and directly misled the audience by undue emphasis. The material was not sufficiently complete to enable the reader to form their own opinion of the therapeutic value of the medicine.

The Panel noted that the EBPG discussed

haemoglobin targets for anaemia treatment: this was dependent upon patient population and was recommended in general to be >11g/dl. Goldsmith et al stated that Hb control was defined as the proportion of the Hb values within the target range of 10-12g/dl during the 12 month study period. This range reflected current licences and was based on reports relating to clinical outcomes to provide acceptable variability (±1g/dl) around the EBPG Hb target of 11g/dl. The Panel noted Amgen’s submission that if the EBPG were applied to Goldsmith et al more patients achieved the target level with darbepoetin alfa than with NeoRecormon; 58% of darbepoetin alpha patients reached Hb > 11g/dl compared to 46% of NeoRecormon.

The Panel considered that the exhibition panel was not sufficiently complete to enable the reader to form their own opinion of the therapeutic value of the medicine as alleged. The EBPG recommended target was not mentioned. A breach of the Code was ruled.

In relation to the brochure the Panel noted that the bar chart at issue depicting data from Goldsmith et al accompanied an abstract headed ‘Hb Control: Current Clinical Practice’. The abstract began by stating ‘International studies and registry data have shown consistent improvement in the management of CKD [chronic kidney disease] related anaemia, with an increasing proportion of patients achieving recommended Hb levels ≥ 11g/dl with erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs)’.

The accompanying bar chart depicting the results of Goldsmith et al, however, referred to an Hb target range of 10-12g/dl and showed that more patients hit this range with NeoRecormon than darbepoetin alpha. The Panel considered that to refer to one target level in the text but to depict results relating to another was inconsistent and thus misleading. A breach of the Code was ruled.

Amgen alleged that the statement ‘Guidelines favour SC administration for both clinical and economic reasons’ referenced to EBPG was misleading. The EBPG only made such a statement regarding epoetin alfa [sic] (NeoRecormon) and only in CKD patients not undergoing dialysis and in transplant patients.

Moreover by placing this statement directly under the comparison with darbepoetin alfa regarding dose requirements via the SC route of administration, this amounted to a claim relying on an implicit comparison with Aranesp which was misleading and incapable of substantiation. The relevant parts of the EBPG were referred to. The statement that SC was recommended for economic and practical reasons was only true and capable of substantiation for epoetin alfa and epoetin beta. It was not true or capable of substantiation for darbepoetin alfa; IV darbepoetin alfa was as cost efficient as SC administration. Accordingly, the EBPG specifically pointed out that darbepoetin alfa, in contrast to NeoRecormon, could be administered either IV or SC without dose adjustments. Again this directly relevant fact was absent on the exhibition panel.

The Panel noted that the claim at issue appeared on the same exhibition panel as the comparative bullet point in the first point above and immediately beneath a table comparing the mean weekly SC and IV dose of NeoRecormon and darbepoetin alfa. The exhibition panel also featured some claims which were clearly only about NeoRecormon. Given the context in which it appeared it was unclear as to whether the claim ‘Guidelines favour SC

administration for both clinical and economic reasons’ related only to NeoRecormon or was a comparison of NeoRecormon with darbepoetin alfa.

The Panel noted that the the EBPG read ‘The recommended route of administration is dependent on the patient group being treated and the type of ESA used’. The Panel noted the economic, clinical 30 Code of Practice Review February 2007

and practical points listed in relation to the route of administration and choice of epoetin for each patient group. Economic reasons were mentioned in relation to NeoRecormon SC for patients on dialysis, CKD patients not undergoing dialysis and in transplant patients. A table summarizing the recommendations gave SC administration as the recommended route for all patient types.

The guidelines stated that darbepoetin alfa could be given either IV or SC without dose adjustment in all CKD patients. In haemodialysis patients, darbepoetin alfa might be easier to administer IV but the SC rate was preferable in all other CKD patients. Given that there was no dose difference between IV and SC darbepoetin there was no economic reason to use the SC route. The Panel considered that given the context in which it appeared, the claim ‘Guidelines favour SC administration for both clinical and economic reasons’ was misleading about the guidelines’ recommendations for darbepoetin alfa and not capable of substantiation in this regard. Breaches of the Code were ruled.