AUTH/1862/7/06 - ProStrakan/Director v Shire

Breach of undertaking

  • Received
    28 June 2006
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    14 December 2006
  • Breach Clause(s)
    2, 9.1 and 22
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    Appeals by respondent and complainant
  • Review
    Published in the February 2007 Review

Case Summary

ProStrakan complained that promotional materials for Calcichew-D3 Forte (calcium carbonate and colecalciferol) issued by Shire were in breach of the undertaking and assurance given in Case AUTH/1825/4/06. As the complaint involved an alleged breach of undertaking it was taken up by the Director as it was the Authority’s responsibility to ensure compliance with undertakings. This accorded with guidance previously given by the Appeal Board.

In Case AUTH/1825/4/06 the claim ‘Chew Calcichew-D3 Forte for Ten Seconds for a pleasant surprise. In a comparative study, Calcichew-D3 was preferred over Adcal-D3 by 80% of patients’, which was referenced to Rees and Howe (2001), was ruled to be misleading in breach of the Code. The resultant form of undertaking and assurance, signed on 5 June, indicated that the claim had last been used on 6 April.

ProStrakan alleged however, that the claim at issue was continuing to be used in a journal advertisement, an advertisement on exhibition panels and a leavepiece.

The Panel considered that an undertaking was an important document. It included an assurance that all possible steps would be taken to avoid similar breaches of the Code in future. It was very important for the reputation of the industry that companies complied with undertakings.

The journal advertisement which had appeared in Pulse, 22 June, featured the claim ‘She should appreciate a Ten Second chew of Calcichew-D3 Forte. In a comparative study, Calcichew-D3 Forte was preferred over Adcal-D3 by 80% of patients’.

The Panel considered that the advertisement was caught by the undertaking given in Case AUTH/1825/4/06 in that there was insufficient detail about why patients preferred Calcichew-D3 Forte to Adcal-D3. The undertaking in the previous case had been signed on 5 June. Due to lead times at the publishers, Shire was unable to cancel the booking.

Shire had thus taken steps to comply with its undertaking; publication of the advertisement on 22 June was due to circumstances beyond its control. No breach of the Code was ruled.

An exhibition panel used at a meeting (25-28 June) featured the claim ‘Calcichew-D3 Forte. Preferred to Adcal-D3 by 80% of patients’ below which was a brief description of the study by Rees and Howe and a list of the reasons as to why Calcichew-D3 Forte was preferred (easier to chew/swallow and less chalky/gritty/sticky). Similarly, two leavepieces stated the reasons for preference. The Panel considered that these materials complied with the undertaking previously given and no breach of the Code was ruled which was upheld on appeal by ProStrakan.

With regard to a third leavepiece the Panel noted that although it contained the claim ‘Calcichew-D3 Forte is preferred by 80% of patients (n=94) to Adcal-D3’ there was no indication as to why a preference had been expressed.

The Panel noted that Shire was in the process of withdrawing the piece because of an unrelated claim. In the Panel’s view, however, the leavepiece should have been withdrawn pursuant to the undertaking given in Case AUTH/1825/4/06. Shire had breached its undertaking and high standards had not been maintained and breaches of the Code were ruled.

Inadequate action leading to a breach of

undertaking was an activity likely to bring discredit to, and reduce confidence in, the industry. A breach of Clause 2 was ruled. These rulings were upheld on appeal by Shire