Further proposals to amend the ABPI Code - The consultation closes on Thursday, 12 November
Further consultation on proposed changes to the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Press Release 04 November 2015
The ABPI Board has decided that there should be a further consultation in relation to the requirement to certify meetings involving travel outside the UK.
Meetings for mainly or wholly UK delegates involving travel outside the UK should continue to be certified. Meetings involving travel outside the UK for UK delegates who are funded by UK companies should also continue to be certified.
It is proposed that meetings involving travel outside the UK for UK delegates that were organised by companies outside the UK should be examined (as meant in the 2015 Code) by the UK company and the UK company be informed when an overseas company was taking UK delegates outside the UK even if the UK company had no involvement whatsoever with the meeting arrangements. The responsibility under the Code for such meetings remains with the UK company.
In addition, following a discussion with EFPIA, the ABPI considered that supplementary information should be added to the Code regarding the situation when an individual health professional agrees to some but not all transfers of value being disclosed on an individual named basis.
The bottom link on the right sets out proposals to amend the ABPI Code.
It is hoped that any changes could be included in the 2016 Code.
The consultation closes on Thursday, 12 November.
Please contact Heather Simmonds, Director PMCPA (hsimmonds@pmcpa.org.uk) if you have any questions.