An update on the ABPI Code
The ABPI Code of Practice is in the process of being updated. In the meantime, the PMCPA is working on reviewing and updating its guidance. The PMCPA Compliance Network was asked to help with this and to identify possible short and long term changes to the Code. The Review Group and the ABPI Medical Expert Network and others have also contributed to the discussion. This is part of the ongoing work to ensure that the Code and its operation remain fit for purpose.
Press Release 20 December 2016
The Compliance Network members have agreed a priority list for consideration for updated or new guidance, across four separate workstreams: Clause 3, Meetings, Patient Support Programmes, Services linked to Products to include an overview of Clause 18 guidance. All four have now met and the PMCPA is very grateful to the members of the workstreams for volunteering and for their contributions so far.
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