Press releases appear below, filter by date.
Sanofi and Otsuka have each breached Clause 2 of the Code and are subject to advertisements in the medical, pharmaceutical and nursing press. In addition Sanofi was publicly reprimanded.
We are seeking to appoint three new independent members to the Code of Practice Appeal Board in 2015.
Consultation launched on proposed changes to the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Constitution and Procedure for the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority.
Astellas Pharmaceuticals Limited will be named in advertisements(1) following breaches of the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Further consultation on proposed changes to the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Proposals for amendment of the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry and the PMCPA Constitution and Procedure were agreed at the Half Yearly General Meeting of the ABPI on 11 November.
We are seeking to appoint a new independent member, from an independent body involved with providing information on medicines, to the Code of Practice Appeal Board in 2016.
Proposals to amend the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry and the PMCPA Constitution and Procedure were agreed at the Half Yearly General Meeting of the ABPI on 11 November. Further changes were agreed at a special meeting of the ABPI on 1 December.
The President of the ABPI and the Director of the PMCPA have recently highlighted the need to ensure that advisory board meetings meet the requirements of the Code.
The 2016 Code can be downloaded here
The new Interactive version of the 2016 ABPI Code of Practice for the pharmaceutical industry is available on the PMCPA website from today.
The PMCPA has issued informal guidance on certification which examines in particular the requirements in relation to projects involving a number of companies and which reflects the changes in the 2016 ABPI Code.