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Grünenthal Ltd and Vifor Pharma UK Limited have each breached Clause 2 of the ABPI Code of Practice and are the subject of advertisements in the medical, pharmaceutical and nursing press. In addition, Grünenthal has been publicly reprimanded.
Published updates reflect the Second 2012 Edition of the Code.Following recent changes to the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry, the PMCPA has updated its popular e-learning module and quick guides to the Code.
Merz Pharma, Lilly and Daiichi-Sankyo have each breached the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry and brought discredit upon, and reduced confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry.
Bayer HealthCare has breached Clause 2 of the ABPI Code of Practice and is the subject of advertisements in the medical, pharmaceutical and nursing press.
Proposals to amend the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry were agreed at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the ABPI on Monday 11 June.
Chiesi Ltd and Vifor Pharma UK Limited have each breached the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry and brought discredit upon, and reduced confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, Chiesi was publicly reprimanded.
The amended text is available on the PMCPA website
Shire Pharmaceuticals Ltd and Roche Products Limited have each breached the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry and brought discredit upon, and reduced confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry.
Gedeon Richter (UK) Ltd has breached the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry and brought discredit upon, and reduced confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry.
The amendments result from the new EFPIA Code on Disclosure of Transfers of Value from Pharmaceutical Companies to Healthcare Professionals and Healthcare Organisations and changes to the EFPIA Code on the Promotion of Prescription-Only Medicines to, and Interactions with, Healthcare Professionals. Other amendments to the ABPI Code and the PMCPA Constitution and Procedure were also agreed.