The Code of Practice Panel

The Code of Practice Panel consists of the Director, Deputy Director and Managers of the PMCPA.​

The Panel considers all complaints made under the Code in the first instance with the benefit of independent medical and other such expert advice as appropriate.  The Panel for each case is made up of at least two members of the Authority below, with another acting as the case preparation manager. The case preparation manager does not sit on the Panel for the consideration of that case. 

Alex Fell is the Director of the PMCPA. Alex has held ethics and compliance leadership roles in the UK, USA, and Singapore for a large global pharmaceutical company as well as an International ethics and compliance leadership role in a small biotechnology company.  Alex started in the pharmaceutical industry in a Global Internal Audit role with a specific focus on Code compliance.

Alex joined the PMCPA in 2022.

Natalie Whittle is the acting Deputy Director at the PMCPA. She has a degree in Medicine and previously worked in the pharmaceutical industry in Medical Information and Medical Compliance roles. Natalie joined the PMCPA in September 2018.

Keval Dabba is the Associate Director at the PMCPA.  Keval is a registered pharmacist in the UK and has worked in community pharmacy, the NHS and in the pharmaceutical industry including being a final signatory, providing expert advice and training on the Code. His recent role at a pharmaceutical company involved leading the compliance and medical function.  Keval joined the PMCPA in June 2021.

Maleeha Sultan is a Manager at the PMCPA.  Maleeha is a UK-registered pharmacist and has worked in the NHS and community pharmacy and in the pharmaceutical industry including Medical Affairs, and later in Advertising & Promotion and Medical Governance and management of promotional review services and implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol.  Maleeha joined the PMCPA in August 2022.

Helen Darracott is a Manager at the PMCPA. She is a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society with degrees in pharmacy and law. She joined PMCPA in February 2023 after working in regulatory, policy, legal, compliance and ethics roles for health professional regulatory bodies, industry representative organisations and pharmaceutical companies.

Emily Boys is a manager at the PMCPA.  Emily has a broad range of experience in science/data communication and a PhD in Genetics/Plant Pathology. She was previously Head of Project Delivery at an independent medical publisher, working in partnership with pharmaceutical companies to deliver a range of projects. As head of department, her role involved ensuring high editorial standards and compliance with the Code, and she provided Code training to new staff. Emily joined the PMCPA in November 2023.

Co optable Panel members 

Etta Logan

Consultant, previously Deputy Director at PMCPA.

Anne Erwin


Natalia Constantine is an independent regulatory and criminal barrister with a background in Medical Law and Ethics. 

Charles Drinnan is an independent regulatory, criminal and fraud barrister. Charles has experience in professional regulation within healthcare, medical law and ethics.

Edward Franklin is a self-employed barrister practising at 2 Harcourt Buildings specialising in criminal and regulatory law.